I am kindda BORING to day ,
Nothing to do TODAY ,
It's so BORING ,
So , byebye READERS ,
Have a nice AMAZING day 4 youu guys !
Monday, June 8, 2009
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Animationss , ;D

Bluekkk ! IHY ! :(
But sometimes , I want to take your picture ,

To emberessed you infront of many people !
But after that , I felt guilty , happy && many2 more feelings ,

But after that , I wanted to eat CHOCOLATE , it is DELICIOUS ! :D

Than , I felt so FREE !

After working soo HARD ,

I wanted to FLY !

Than , I wanted to DANCE !

Than , I want to CRY !

After that , I felt ASHAMED ! Because people looking at me CRYING !

I was shocked !

Cause I saw MR.BEAN was dancing ,


Night at the MUSEUM 2 ,
Ahhh ! It was HEAVEN ! One Utama has a lott of HOTTIES , :) Why won't you tell me ? Haha , I went there to watch NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM 2 ! It was a BLAST ! It was totally funny , :D
Lawaaak sangat ! The monkey was soo ADORABLE ,
&& The monkey was soo PLAYFUL ! Comell !
&& there was dancing too ,

Lawaaak sangat ! The monkey was soo ADORABLE ,

&& The monkey was soo PLAYFUL ! Comell !

&& there was dancing too ,

One Utamaa ;D
Hey hey heyyy ? Today ? I went to ONE UTAMA it was totally fun ! I went with my brothers & my daddy . Haha , than ? We wanted to buy some tickets to watch a movie tonight . I wanted to watch HANNAH MONTANA THE MOVIE but my brothers wanted to watch MONSTUR vs ALIEN and JANGAN PANDANG BELAKANG CONGKAK and NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM 2 . Than , but my father wanted to watch NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM 2 . So , NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM 2 we're watching . Okeyh , back to the story . Than , I was so BORING surohlah my dad jalan2 sementara nak fikir tengok cite ape . Than , jalan2 gi FOREVER 21 , ROXY , TROPICANA LIFE , QUICKSILVER , BODYGLOVE && MANY2 MORE . Than , tak beli ape2 . Beli ICE CREAM BASKIN ROBBIN jee , But , YUM YUM ! Sedapp ! :D Than , g kedai THE MACHINES . Jalan2 nak tengok IPOD yg hendak dibeli . Tapi tak dapat DIBELI ! :'( . Tak per , SABAR jer laa ! Than , g kedai NOKIA untuk nak beli PHONE , tapi tak leyh . Tak per , NEXT MONTH I am gonna get a NEW phone ! Wooohooo ! :)) Tak sabar :D Okeyh , :D Hahaha :p Tuh jer laa ! BYEBYEBYE :))
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Picture ? ;)

This picture is so ADORABLE . Hahaha , gambar nih diambil oleh SHAKIR . Shakir pegang 4 camera waktu nak ambik gambar nih . Hahaha , kelakar gile ! Than kiteorg bosan gile kena tunggu giliran . Buat tak taw ajer laa ! =.='' Rate ? 10/10
P.s : Syahira POSE terlebih . Elena HOTT ! NATASHA kurang nampak . Dye SOROK . Intan TERMENUNG . Sakina pandang sebelah . Pndg sape tuh SAKINA ?

F.Y.I : Kaki AISHATUL kelakar :)
Stokin FATIHAH && KALILA tidak dibasuh selame 1 bulan :) Hahaha j/k

Gambar nih ? HUSNA KAMIL yg capture kan . Aku pun suke gambar nih . Sebab kiteorg gatal2 nak ambik gambar dgn CIKGU SAM yg HOT tuh . :P Hahaha , Syasya bngge gile laa dapat duduk sebelah dye . && this picture aku nak RATE 10/10

This picture ? It was taken by NUR AISHATUL HAMIZAH NORDIN && it really looks funny && artistic . Artistic laa sgt ! :p Tapi lawaaa , aishatul aku bagi 10/10 laa picture ni . :D
Heyy ! Do you hve any friends ? I hve . ALOT ! && I love them fucking damn so much !
My friends are like my life , they make me laugh , when I am sad they are going to cheer me up!
&& do you wanna know ? I am in love with them ! They are like my family . Sometimes ,
my friends are so ANNOYING , they make me wanna kill myself . But I hve to SABAR ,
(alimlaa sgt ! ) HAHAHA , :D so that's all BLOGGERS . Malaslaa nak tulis ;)
My friends are like my life , they make me laugh , when I am sad they are going to cheer me up!
&& do you wanna know ? I am in love with them ! They are like my family . Sometimes ,
my friends are so ANNOYING , they make me wanna kill myself . But I hve to SABAR ,
(alimlaa sgt ! ) HAHAHA , :D so that's all BLOGGERS . Malaslaa nak tulis ;)
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