me + you = ?
heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ;) isn't justin bieber hot ? ahah . he is laa people X) . hahah , urghhh . i love him , but at the same time , i don't like him . urghhh , pelik pelik pelik :) . hahahah , soo . he was soo damn hot people . damn damn damn hot like a muffin , just came out from the oven . hari nih , he was more hotter , then yesterday :) . i wish he was mine . forever and ever and ever . but , it is all just a dream kan people ? pffftttt -.-'' weeehooo ? hahah . urghh , i miss him . i miss the old him . i want him laa ! wekkk :'( i want the old him , not the new him . the new him , is kind of ( no offence ) sombong laa . macam tak layan orang jee . hurmmmm . i don't care lahh . okayy . haisehhh , why do many people dah berubah ekhh sekarang nih ? ade ape masalah dieorang nak berubah ! i want the old friends that i ade , not the new attitude friends yang sombong , bajet , gedik and so on ( no offence guys , but that's the truth laa people ! ) so , byebye <3
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