Can I get a " WHAT WHAT " ? Haha , ssssuppp people (:
Weeehoooooo :o . Sekolah Agama was okayyy . Perghhhh , :] . Haha , yeahh . I didn't come to Sekolah Kebangsaan Seafield " AGAIN " . Yeahh , who wants to come ? I do , but malas :) . Yup , nothing will happen datang Sekolah Kebangsaan Seafield . In the other hand , Sekolah Agama was totally ubberly effin FUN ! Yeahh , agak ahh :) . BTW , i am coming to Sekolah Kebangsaan Seafield for some reasons . Weeehoooo :o Because , there is PJ tomorrow ! Weeehooo :D . Hehe , Yeahhh . Urmm , Sekolah Agama ? YEAH . I came lambat . Because tertidur as always :D Haha , yeahh . Hurmm , i came . Semua orang dah bace YASIN . Yeahh , lambat ahh . Haha , tomorrow INSYAALLAH i will come to sekolah . Yeahh , miss my friends so mucho much :P . Haha , yeahh . Kat sekolah agame , Fatihah suke laa tuh . Ehem ehem duduk sebelah die . Aku gakk yang kena salah -.-'' . Sebab tinggalkan die , tuh laa , then AISHATUL & ME , sep - mennyep . Yeahh , game HEYYO best sehh , haha ! That's all kot , malas laa nak citer panjang2 sangat . I am not a robot =.='' . Haha , so , byebye people :D
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