Yes , hello as i say :) .
HAHA :D . What the Fuck ? Haha , I don't like Hadi laa Muhd ! Urghhh -.-'' . Ape laa deyy . I think ahh today is my unlucky day . Patut ahh kat fb kate 12% jer today of lucky - ness . Memang betul pun . Shit you FB ! Haha XD . Gilooo . Haha . BTW , ms kite kindda getting a little boring sehh . Nobody is onlining . Aderlah orang online , but bukan nak layan . Pffffttt . Yeahh , FB is kindda fun . Kalau orang layan kite laaa == . Haha XP . Yeahh , and and and . I am kindda boring ahh sekarang nih . BTW , tomorrow . I am so not going to Sekolah Kebangsaan Seafield . There are some issues . And the issues are :
1. I didn't bought yang Miss G suroh beli tuh . Yang something like sepit baju kalau kite nak sidai baju tuh , but kayu .
2 . Second , memang begitu gile2 malas . Bukan buat ape2 pon kat sekolah , duduk rumah lagi bagos . Tidor & boleh online lagi tuh :D .
Yeahh , bla bla bla . Eventhough sekolah lagi 3 weeks , so what ? I hate SCHOOL ! But , i love my friends over there ! Hurmmm , whateverlorghhh , :D . Hahaha XD . Hurmmm , yeahh . There is nothing i could tell you guys . Malas laaaa . Perghhh , see you guys lain kali . Hehehe :D Bye2 <3
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