well , hello people !
Yeahh , i didn't come to school & i didn't have a chance to say
Weeeehooo :o . You're old ! HAHA X) .
Haha , sorry i didn't come to school yaww . Kalau tak , dah lame ciom kau :-* . Haha !
Yeahh , agak bosan laa today . I went to sekolah agame . We didn't do nothing much :D Haha , datang sekolah . Jumpe AISHATUL ! Yayy , budak tembam :D . HAHA , then . Main speed jap ngan die . LAWAK LAWAK LAWAK :D . Then , talk talk talk . Main HEYYO jap . Haha , agak best laa :D . Then , what ahh ? Then urmm . Kena duduk luar . Fatihah happy sangat sebab ehem ehem die datang -,-' . Yeahh , agak kecoh ahh gakk . Then , ohh yeahh . Kena gi pejabat nak kena bayar duit yuran . Bla bla bla . Kena tolong ustazah2 yang lain buat kerja ... Haha , then balik dewan . Ask Fatihah die nak tolong ke tak , she said yes . Then , pergi cari guru2 yang kena tolong tuh . Then Ustazah Sarina ask us to help Ustazah Noorzi marking exam's paper . Yeahh , bapak ahh wehh .. Haha , lawak sehh . Agak penat dohh . But bapak best ! Haha , then ade budak tahun 4 nih , minat kat Aishatul . Haha , orang kalau minat lelaki . But , perempuan yang suke kan Aishatul . Haha , me & Fatihah can't stop laughing gile laaa wehh . Haha , then . Tibe2 ade orang kacau kitorang . Yeahh , buat sejadah berdiri sendiri laa . Banyak ahh , but mysterious :D Haha , then aku siap dulu mark kertas ! Wooohooo ! Haha , then . What ahh ? Hrmmm , kaki aku cramp . Same ngan Aishatul & Fatt . Haha , that's all kot . Oh yeah , i hampir tertinggal bas . Gile laa . HAHA XD . That's all kot , btw . Byebye :D
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