Hello Hey Hye Hello Again :D
Hrmmm , 4 weeks more till school starts . Or should i say , my new life begin . Heh , thanks for the people who commented my new pictures . You guys are awesome ! And yet . Another boring life today . I mean , boring day today :] Phfftt , holiday sucks people . And yet , it's fact . But , if your holiday is at a beach , lying there in a sunny day . While , the sea water is cool . Chillax - ing , hot guys lalu-lalang infront of you guys . And yet , it isn't a suckkish holiday . But , in the other hand . If your holiday sucks , try do it like me . Sleep , eat , watch the tv , layan adik , menari macam orang gile ngan adik , internet , duduk , diri , jalan , tandas , typing , melihat , and so on . It doesn't sucks . But , sometimes it sucks . Yeah , totally sucks ! And if your internet is not working or your internet sucks like HELL . And , your holiday is going to be from bad to worst :D And hopefully , my father bring me to the shop that im going to buy the DSLR :) . Phftt , HOPEFULLY . The disease is spreading my life -.-'' . Gahh , love disease . I hate that disease . Seriously -.- . They SUCK man ! Phfftt , bosan deh -.- That's all kot ? Malas nak cite panjang , so ....
Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ;D
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