Yeah yeah yeah , eventhough I said that BEN BARNES was hott ,
But , it doesn't mean yang JOE JONAS isn't !
He will always and forever in my heart ♥
Yeahh , his hot . So back-off bustards !
Alaaa , so what ?
You can take him , he is 20 years old laa man !
But , age doesn't count , so , you want him , take laa !
Aiyoyoyoyoyo , -.-'' Why does he has to be hot ?
My eyes are freaking burning once seeing him !
I want to meet him !
Ahhhhh ! It would be a miracle to see , and stare at him ,
Waaaaaaaaaaaah ! God gave us a hottie ,
And I am the one who deserves it :P
So , byebye people ;D
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