Grrrrrrrrrrr . Heyyyo peeps ! So , how are you doing ? Sihat ? I am okeyh aje :) I lied . I have a little flu . H1N1 ? Nop , :) InsyaAllah tak der kot =D . Haha XD . People are having fun balik kampung , while me ... I am at this house gakk :) With my cousins , aunties , uncles and grandma X) Awww , I miss them :P ( sometimes ) . Jangan ambek hati =) Yeah , i am at rawang lah . This 23rd , 24th and 25th of September i am going to MELAKA ! Weeet weeet :o Yeah , i miss MELAKA ! Sebab , last time pergi pon bulan Julai , SEKOLAH FIELDTRIP . ;) Yeahh , a really really really great memory , it was really fun kat sane . So , let's get back to the story . Actually , I don't have anything to write , just nak bagi cukopkan my updation untuk 100 jer . Hurghhhhh -.-'' Tamak , tamak , tamak :) Yeah , urmm . Wait , let me memerahkan otak untuk fikir apa yang nak diceritakan japp . Oh yeah , i read the news , Beyonce is coming to Malaysia this October . Really ? I want to go ! But i can't . I am too young . Tak de keje nak gi :) Haha X) Oh yeah , this MONDAY is going to be KALILA's 12th birthday , happy birthday mak cik ! FYI , FAHAMIKA dah dibubarkan . Atas masalah-masalah tertentu ahli kumpulan . Don't need to know . :) Yeah , my cousin kat sebelah . Busybody ;P Tak der lah , she is kindda boring now . So , die tak keje nak buat . Okeyh , that's all jer lah . Malas nak tulis panjang-panjang . Dah panjang dah pon :) So , sayonara ;)
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