Yes yes yes . I know . But please , don't tell anybody i am writing here , okay ? Deal ? Pinky swear ? I am so so so so so , macam resah tau . IDK why . I am so like that today . Hati dah tak tenang semacam jer dooh . Urghhh -.-'' It is because i miss him soo mucho much . Urghhh , why is my heart like this ? Ada benda tak kena ke ? Setiap kali call die , tak angkat . Rasa sedih lah pulak . Ape masalah aku ? Urghhh , i want to stop loving him , but it is totally hard . And i don't know why . WHY ? WHY ? WHY ? Hurghhh , i don't know sape lah nak bagitahu lagi kat sape . My heart macam suruh bagitahu gakk die . But i don't want lah ! Buat malu je . Sape nak bagitahu ? Crazy people only do like that ( no offence ) . Hurghhh . I wish i can do something ...
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