"So baby dont worry, you are my only,
You wont be lonely, even if the sky is falling down,
You'll be my only, no need to worry,
Baby are you down down down down down,"
Yeahhh , downn . =) Look down lah dudee ! Maybe there's a cat shit :) Haha ;) Kidding , if there is . Sorry , I am just kidding taw . Kalau ade betul2 . Don't blame it on me , XD Haha , yeahhh ! I know . It's a boring day . I just got RM100 lebih jer . Kesian kannn ? I think orang laen dah macam RM200 lebih kot . Or lebih kot . Yer lah . We didn't do anything BD . Haha , lepak kat rumah jer . Yeahh lahh , everyone balik kampung . Kite orang pon macam ohh okeyh XD . Kesian kan ? Heeeeeeeee :) But that's oke . Dah terbiasa . Oh yeah . I really don't know what to talk about . I miss my friends ( keningkening* ) Haha , :P Urghhhh -.-'' I think this raya , i will gain a few kg lahh . Hurghh . Stupic yahh . So , my advise to myself , i can't eat many much . Nanti gemuk lagi . Sekarang dah gemuk , nak gemuk lagi . SHIIIIITTTTTTTTTT ! Haha :P SHIT ? TAHI ? Capish ? Huuuuuuu ;) Today mesti korang enjoying gile lahh . Oh yeah , this MONDAY , i mean next monday . Bawak lebih pocket money . Sebab , kena bagi aku duit :) Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ~ Yeah . So , people . Please give , or else . You'lle die .
Thank you . :) Have a nice day ;D
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