Grrr , RAWRRR people :D . Wasssupppppp ? Yeahh , and it was kindda bosan kat sekolah :P
Yeahh , i am kindda addicted to rubix cube . Sebenarnya easy aje . But , you have to practise jer lahh . As always :D . Hurmmm , i am a little bit upset . yeahhh , again . My friends are broking up again ! Urghhh , What the DICK ? XP . No ! I am serious ! Gilee laaa wehhh . Urghh , aiyoyoyoyo , i want to see you guys as the old friends laa wehh . Not the new one ! Urghhh ! Oh yeahh , today is soo going budak perempuan sekolah agame SARMAF akan menangiss ahhh wehh . Today is the last day of USTAZAH MAIZATUL ! Our Bahasa Arab teacher ! Urghhh , we are so going to miss you . Yeahhhhh , but i think we guys are so going to miss youu laa USTAZAHH ! Nanti rindu pandangan jeling ustazah ahhhh . Hurghhh , oh yeahh . I am so bringing the cake ! Nak kena kan kat muke orang * evil evil * HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ! Then whatt ahh ? Oh yeahhh . Esok gi SUNWAY ! Woooooott wooooooooooooooooottt , ! @___@" . Tadi i brought the SEVENTEEN magazine . Ishhhh , semua nak tengok . * JAKON JAKON * . Hahahahahahahahahahahahaah ! Then whatt ahhh ? Hrmmm , ohh yeahhh . Ahah ! Then , ARIFAH bangge ahh sangat :P Dapat tengok muke SUAMI die kat SEVENTEEN . Padehal taylor tak hot pon :P . IDK :D . Rob pon tak hot :P . Hehehehe :D . Okay laa , nak ciao laa babe :P . Mak dah mule bebel :D . Byebye !
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