babee , i am so not in - love laa people :D . i am jatuh hati - ing . Isn't different much ?
But still . I am so not in - LOVE with him laa people . Urghhh =.='' Yeahhhh , apelahh IZZATI . Kau tak leh beze ke IN - LOVE with JATUH HATI ? Haiyokkk -.-'' . Yeahh , what ahh ? Oh yeahh . Ustazah Mai's majlis perpisahan was the bomb . Makanan nye memang sedap banget dong :P . Hahah , aku kan Pengerusi Majlis , then SHAKIR terjerit-jerit name aku ! ( weh , kau tak penah tengok ke aku jadi ketua for something ? ) . Then , orang macam pandang aku . Gilooo sial :D . Ahaks * Hahah , ohh well . And you wanna know something mahh ? Adlin was macam tak layan i gile sial . She was like tanak kawan i . What do i care ? Tomorrow InsyaALLAH kiteorang baik kot ? Haha , INSYAALLAH :D . Hahah , then . Perempuan mule makan :) . Yeahhh ! Go GIRLLSSSSS ! DoubleWooottt ! :D
Oh okay . Now , after that . Mai sat beside me . Yayy , ade teman :D . Then , when ape ahh ? Oh yeahh . Waktu nak makan , sape ntah perasan .
Faiz : Ya Allah , banyaknye makan !
* Then semua pandang *
After that mereka menyambung mengejek , as always . =.=''
Then , Muhd pon same . 2x5 jee =.=''
Muhd : Banyak nye MAKAN !
* buat muke merajuk *
Tu ahh ! Sape suroh cari pasal ngan aku ahhh ? BENGAP :P Hahah , kidding kidding kidding . Jangan ambek hati :D Hahaha ! Hrmmm , ohh yeahh . Ustazah was kindda funny . Hehe :D . Ohh yeahh . Nothing happened . But , it was kindda FAWESOME ! Yeahh , it was * flawless * . Hahah , that's all kot nak cite ? Nothing happened . Oh yeah ! Accept agak pandai nak habiskan the RUBIX CUBE . Urghh , ohmygodd ! Ape laa deyy . Father - LEE ! Apehal kau tak datang tadi ? Hishh , that's okay . Isnin nih aku bagi balik ehhh ? Wooohooo to me for getting a free RUBIX CUBE ! Eipppp ! Hahah , then we snapped some pictures with USTAZAH MAI ! Wooo , Ustazah has a FB . Un - BELIEVABLE * sorry for the spelling mistakes * Hahah , Muhd kate muke die burok waktu ambik gambar dengan Ustazah . Ape laa deyy . Bersyukur laaa . Hrmmm , that's all kot . So , byebye <3
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