Isn't it funny ? Love Story . Everytime you go , it is all about LOVE ! Love here , Love there . And LOVE everywhere . Haven't you think ? Love is just the pain that makes you feel so sakit . Sampai the pain won't gone . You are so going to balas dendam at the person yang you pernah buat . And because of LOVE , you can sometimes go madly macam orang gile .
Contohnye one of my friends :
INTAN NAJIHAH . An average 12 years old like everybody else . But totally in love with someone that she is really obsessed with . I can't tell you more . It is private & cofidential * whatever laa ejaan nye *
Then , urmm ... Sape lagi ehh ? Oh yeahh . Other example :
NUR AISYA . * Yeah , me . I know laa . * &&& average person that is in love with an average boy . That is so famous kat sekolah . Hrmmm , 13 months in love with that person . Tak penah cintanya dibalas . It makes her life so miserable gile2 lah .
So , people . Love SUCKSS ! I just want to marry jer senang * hahaha * . Yeahh , lawak laa sangat . Laugh all you want . Yer laa . Marry it is more easier than CINTA MONYET yang tidak akan berkekalan nih . Hmphhh , WHATEVES laaa . Idc . Think about it :D Thanksss <3
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