HAHA ! :o . What's up you guys ? Sehat (: . I am okay aje :P . HAHA :D
Yeahh , soo . well . (: . He was fucking ubberly damn hot laa people ! Grrrr , geram geram geram (: . HAHA :o . Eventhough dia pakai baju burok aje , so what ? He still a hottie (: . Once a hottie , always a hottie . :P . HAHAH ! Bluekkk :P Hahaha . why why why ? Why do i have to fall in love with the hottest person in the entire schoool (: . HAHAH ! Lawak gile do tadi :P Sembelih ayam . It was soo fun ! Hahah ! I was the first one to sembelih the ayam , ( BANGGA AHH TUHH ! ) yeahh . Memang bangge pon ! :p . Ngok gile sial ! HAHAHAH ! Then , take some picture . Yadda yadda yadda . HAHAH ! Then , urmm . Oh yeahh . Our jualan was like RM198.60 . Urghh , so damn sikit lahh :P . Okayy lahh . Haha ! Bajet gile ! Hehehe :P . After that , we took some pictures . Then , ohh yeahh . Sekolah agama was the bomb . HAHA ! It was my first time i took pictures of him :) . HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ;) . He was ubberly cute laa . Dah lah dengan muke die yang comel tuhh (: . HEEEE . I fell in love with him . Oh yeahh . Adlin came to my house tadi . HAHAH ! We were like laughing the whole time ! She was chatting with her ex . And bla bla bla . It was soo coool . She felled in love with this boy . I can't tell you :P . It is our dirty little secret . But , the UN - LUCKY part is , she didn't come and sleep at my house ! Urghh , she has to go home . Ye lahh , anak mummy :P HAHAH ! Then , we were like so boring ahh . Banyak ahh benda we made . Oh yeah ! Gr8 news ! Aishatul and Fatihah and Maisarah are friends again ! Yayyy ? HAHAHA , but i feel lucky though . Okayy , that's all kot ? Tomorrow is going to be so fun ! Because JAMUAN KHAS MURID TAHUN 6 SEKOLAH AGAMA ! Yeahhh , so . I can see him wearing a hot baju melayu :) . Yayyy ! So , that's all kot ? And and and , nanti 18 November ade malam 1 Malaysia . Annual concert maybe ? Buat kat Holiday Villa at Vintage Ballroom ! Yayyy ! A ballroom ! I am soo going to come ! And and and , i can't forget shopping ! So , that's all fokes ! Byebye people :P
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