first thing first , i didn't know . some people read my idiotic non - cool blog . hishh , famous lahh sangat :P HAHAH ! yeahh . then , blah blah blah . okay . where was i ? oohhh okayy (: . sekolah agama :P . was sooo amazing . heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (; . HAHAH ! Yeahh , i brought 4 box of pizza's and it is still not enough . Hurghhh , stupido . Hahah ! What the F ? HAHAH ! When i called the Domino's pizza , the woman on the line called me PUAN . Hello ? Do i look like a 30 year old woman ? Hishhh , maybe my voice kind of creep's people out :P Who knows ? HAHAH ! Then , yadda yadda yadda . The domino's pizza people doesn't know where is Masjid Al - Falakh is . Haiyokkk -.-'' . Kesian nyee :P . Then , urmm . We have to take the pizza . All day long , ( waktu tuh ) i didn't saw him . Then , masuk dalam dewan . Baru nampak ! HEEEEEEEEEE ;) . He was hot . HAHAH ! With his ______ colour Baju Melayu ( sorry guys or girls , i can't tell you people what colour was his Baju Melayu . It would be too general . Sorry :[ ) . Grrrrrrrr , memang hot lahh . Siapa pandang , memang jatuh hati . But , all of my friends macam tak jatuh hati pun . Ntahh lahh , i am soo addicted to him ! HEEEEE (: BTW , my room is soo frezzing . Urghhh , macam AIS XD . ( Not Arifah , Izzati , Sarah lahh ) . HAHAH ! Then , what ahh ? Ohh yeahh . Asyik pandang die aje . Ohh yeahh . Sorry guys ! You didn't get the pizza . Awww , cian :'( . But , what do i care ! Heee , he was holding my camera . Cacat =.='' ( pegang camera pon nak kena kecoh ke ? ) . Eh eh eh ! Kena lah ! SEJARAH :p . HAHAH ! Then ape lagi ekhh ? He was too ___ to take pictures . So , tak dapat lah ambik gambar die yang hot gile tuhh ! &&& people are trying to tell me , who is the hottie ? Hishh , why do you wanna know ahh ? Mind you own buisness lahh ! Hishhhh . Then then then , what ahh ? We ate ! Yayyy ! Pizza , spagetthi ( whatever it's spelled ) . Ahah ! Dia makan pon cute . Hishhh . Aperlahh . Then then then , what ahh ? Ohh yeahh . Aishatul and Farah jahat lahh ! Setakat die mintak kite ambek ____ tuh pon , awak gelak ! Hishhh , malu malu malu :P . Yeahh , &&& sometimes , my YM is kind of dorkyy and lame . So , sorry if tiba-tiba ter - off . Because my YM is lame . :P HAHAH ! Then , solat . Dia jalan macam super - model yang hot . Memang hot pon :p . HAHAH ! Then , apelahh . Tuh jer kot . Urmm , then ambek hadiah ! YAYY ! Our group won ! Kumpulan 1 dapat number 1 ! yayy ! I was like , "OMG ! We wonn ! Yayy !" Pelik lahh gakk . Ketupat kiteorang kalah . &&& banyak benda lah yang pelik tapi benar (: . Then , balik ! Yayy ! Heeeeeeeeeee (: . This was the fun part . I can't tell you . He laughed so cute (: . Comel plak tuhh . HEEEEEEEE :P . Hahah ! I can't tell you because it is too general , if only i have my only private blog baru boleh . Sorry :'( . Then , balik rumah . YADDA YADDA YADDA . Oh yeahh . ____ tak suke die . Dia kate die sombong . What ahh ? Lek lahh . But but but , kite takkan ngalah :P . HAHA ! So , byebye people :P
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