Yeahh . Heyyhoo peeps (: . Wassup ? :P
Ohh okayy . Soo , there is one thing I wanted to tell you guys . I am soo hungry ! I haven't eat my breakfast and lunch yet . So , booohooo for me (: . Yeahh , I know . I guess you guys are wondering : " Pergilah makan , AISYA ! " . But , what do i care >.<" ? Pemalas :P . HAHAH ! Yeahh , memang malas lahh nak makan . Because , after this i am going to eat McDonald's and go to Ustazah Suhaila's Open House :) . So , EAT EAT , MUNCH MUNCH MUNCH X) . Hahah ! Yeahh , and i am kind of drunk , because of HIM ;) . Alaaa , you know him . :P Kan kan kan ? :P Pfffttt -.-'' . Yeahh , so . Urmm , oh yeahh ! About Malam 1Amal . I kind of know about some stuff's . Like duhhh -.-'' . My mum is one of the AJK PIBG . So that's why I know . Okay , I am going to tell you what is all about that kind of stuffs (: . There would be lots and lots of activities that night . So , it is soo going to be COOLIO ;) . Okay , the activities are Seafield Idols , Seafield Choral Speaking , Seafield Choir , PIBG Choir , Seafield Act , Seafield Dance , Fancy Dress 10 Finalists Competition , Band Perfomance With Special Artists , and many2 stuff . The dress theme is : Formal Dress / Black Tie (: . There are two cool competition you guys must enter ! The best dressed Female Awards And For Males Pon ade ! Heeeee (: . It is helled at Holiday Villa Vintage Ballroom (: . Sooo ! It is soo cool ! So , come come :) Byebye :)
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