Grrr , people :P . HAHAH ! I am totally obsessed to NSN ! Heeeeeeeeeee ;) . Theyy RAWKK ! Thanks to my friend . Yang tolong memperkenalkan NSN ! Ohh waitt ! I think you guys don't know what's the meaning of NSN kan ? The meaning is Never Shout Never ! Grrr , the singer is totally hot (: . HAHAH ! &&& the first time , ader seorang mamat tuh mengaku die tak hot . Woooohooo ! Die kate : " Hahah , itu aku mngaku dia lg hot drpd aku . " Memang pon :P . Bluek . Jk Jk Jk . (: . So , what ahh ? Ohh yeahh . I am obsessed with the song Jane Doe . & Christ's smile and laugh ! Heeee :) . Too cute to be true :) . Hahah ! Yeahh , so . The story is nothing sebenarnya :P . Ohhh Jyeahhh ! Me , Adlin , and Kalila went to beraya - ing at Ustazah Suhaila ' s house (: . AHHHH ! Hazim was sooo cute (: Macam baby ! ( memang baby ponnn =.='' ) Grrr , muke die comel gile nak mampos ! Then , we snap some pictures ! It was soo FUNN ! Yeahh ! HAHAH ! Then , bla bla bla . Ustazah Azlinah came . It was okayy agakk :P . Then , we balik kuartes . Nak beraya - ing kat rumah Encik Faisol . Encik Faisol was AWESOMEEE ! We talked and talked and talked . Banyak gilee laahh bercakap =.='' . Then , me and Kalila wanted to go home . So yadda yadda yadda . Naik basikal . Habes . Hantar die balik rumah . Blah blah blah . I am backed at home ! YAYYY ? Hahah , so that's all i want to say . Sayonara (:
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