Hello earthlings (: . Me come in peace as always ^.^
Heheheh (: . Weyyyoooo ! Hahah , today was normal laa babe . Sekolah agame kindda boring ahhh . Hmphhhhh . Hahah , oh yeahhh . lagi 23 hours and 32 minutes till 24th October 2009 . I have two reasons why i am so happy . The first reason is because the camp of course ! And the second is Muhd is becoming a twelvian . So , welcome to the club laaaa dudee . Hahah ! Kau dah tue bangke ! ( padahal tak sedar diri , aku lagi tue =.='' ) Hurmmm , so hahah . Weh Muhd ! Kalau kau tak online esok malam pukul 12 malam , i am soo going to kill you laaa wehhh . Pfftt , oh yeahh . Intan wants to wear a black baju kebaya or a dress . I think for her , i prefer dress laa deyyy . Kau lawa laa pakai dress . But baju kebaye + intan = memang sesuai . IDK . Kau suke ati kau laa nak pilih ape yang sesuai untuk kau . Kayy ? Hahah , lawak gile dohh . Oh yaww . Tomorrow i pleot rumah Adlin . Ehem , if you don't know what's the meaning of the word pleot . Find in the dictionary ! Memang tak de . The word pleot has the same meaning as the word tidur or sleeping . The pronouncation is like this : " pleeee - ottt " . OKay ? It is my word . So , don't steal it ! Yeayyyy . I can't wait for the kem . Oh wait . I didn't inform you guys :
On SATURDAY & SUNDAY ( 24th October & 25th October )
I will be AWAY .
At Kem Nur Lembah Pangsun , Hulu Langat ( I guess laaa ? )
Hahah , so i have to say : So long SUCKAAA !
Yeahhh , hahaha . the last one , jangan ambik hati . I was just kidding laa deyyy . Haiyokkk =.='' Hahah , i am soo really happy laaa ! Tomorrow i am going to sleep over at Adlin's with Aishatul ! Yayyy , then we webcam with Muhd nak ? Hahaha , it must be very funny . Because , tomorrow is his birthday -.-'' . So , that's all kot . Hahah , so . Byebye you suckers !
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