Hell to the YEAHHH ! Soo , sssup people ? How's your day ? Mine was FANTASTICO :o
Hahah , it was sooo cool today (: . Except for the one that i was being scolded by Miss Geetha . Pffftt , so what ? Who cares :P I am totally cool now (: . HAHAHAHA ! ;p . Oh okayyy . Urmmm , i went to school . Adlin & Natasha was like chasing me ! Pffffttt , I know you guys miss me kann ? HAHAHAHA (: . Then , Sakina and Intan was like greeting me . Yayyy , so they all miss me because i didn't came yesterday . Haizzz , bersyukur wehh ! Sebab all my friends miss me GILAGILA laa =.='' Hahah XD . Then what ahh ? Then , urmmm . Borak borak borak ngan ADLIN , because i totally miss her . ( eventough baru jumpe her semalam kat sekolah agame =.='' ) Yeahhh , so . Then , enligsh . ( you know what i mean kat kelas 6U ? ) . 6 Usaha was the saksi to all , yang i kena marah dengan Miss Geetha . Just because i tak nak masuk choral speaking , die nak ungkit =.='' . IDC . Urghhhhh , but agak marah laa gakk :P .
Haha , then , agama . Pffftt , Ustaz Asyraf hit me . Aiyoooo , memang kuat ahh . Dah lah kuat gile nak mampos :P . HAHAHAHAHA (: ( Padan Muke aku ! :P ) . Then , bla bla bla . Maths , we didn't do much . Hmphhh , Yeahhh . Encik Nadzarawi was soo angry at us . I was like sooo takut gile laaa . HAHAA (: . Then , rehat . Pfffftt ,at last . Because after this , ader perikse JAWI . GAHAHAHAHA (: . Urmm , REHAT was like any rehat you guys penah berlaku . But , mine was totally un - lucky . Grr , i hate you , IMRAN , SHAKIR , HADI , HARITH , AMZAN , AIMAN , LUQMAN , FARID ! They are all BULLSHIT ( no offence guys , and SYASYA ! ) . They were like mengejeking me around and they annoyed me somehow . I beat LUQMAN ! Yayyy , i was satisfied laa gakk . But , some mercy pon ade kat die . HAHAHA (: . Luckily , i have my Twenties Girl Book , and it is soo TEBAL ! Padan muke kau ! Ni belom lagi ken dengan kasut aku ! I hate you ! And yeah , padan muke kau HARITH ! HAHAHHAA (: . Best gile kena belasah tak ngan aku ? Ohh yeahh . This was the worst part , Harith jalan terkedek - kedek sebab kena belasah laa ngan i . Then , Miss G lalu , she ask Harith why is he ? Then , Harith said to Miss G , that i was the one that belasah him , and tunjuk lagi tuh . Hadi pon same jee . I hate you guys !
Then , Purffff , perikse jawi . HAHAHA (: . It was kind of easy though , but kind of hard . I rate it : 50/50 . heee (: . Oh yeah , before the perikse begin , Husna bought a game . Alaa , the game yang macam Uno Stack tuh , but it is made of Wood . So , it was more challenging . Haha , it was sooo FUNNEYHH ! Urmm , yeahh . I made that thingy jatuh 2 kali . The first time , we didn't noticed that Puan . Nita was in the classroom , then we shouted because the thingy jatuh . Natasha marah us . HAHA . I can't stop laughing waktu tuh , But , Puan Nita was macam pandang kiteorang slight gile laa . Hahah . It was totally FUN ! Haha , urmm . Yeahh . Then , BM . I was weird though , because . Everytime BM hari RABU kan , i was like sooo MENGANTUK gile laa . Pfftt , stupic me :P . Haha , it was fun laa gakk . Then , Puan Azlinah gave us the thingy for the 1Amal . Ohh , now i know what's the meaning of FORMAL mahh . It's not like kena pakai baju Tux ajee , but you can wear a baju batik and baju melayu . So , guys ? Are you wearing that kind of stuff . If you are , i am the one who wants to take picture of you guys ! Gahaha , and upload it in my Myspace . Hahaha , Then . what ahh ? Oh yeahh , Sakina ajak i go to Holiday Villa waktu pagi the Malam Amal thingy , so we are so going to PARTY kat sane kann ? HAHA (: . Yeahh , tak sabar nye . Oh yeah . We all were discussing about that malam , nak pakai baju ape . Warna ape . And many kind of stuffs . Heee (: . Tak sabar nye !Hahah , yeahh . Then , balik !
Pffftt , Ohh okayy . It was a relief , itu baru Sekolah Kebangsaan , Belum lagi sekolah agama :P Hahaha , I went late because tertidur , and sengaje nak tinggal bas . So , my mom has to hantar me . Pffft , then ape hah ? Oh yeah . The first people i saw was FARAHHH ! Yayyy ! =.='' Then what ahh ? Hahah , then ohh yeahh . I went to them * adlin , husna , aishatul , fatihah , maza , iman , zatti * place's . They were playing the stacks i played pagi tadi . Haha , that thing makes me goo WEEEHOOOO ! Hahah , i like that game . It has to be focused . And bla bla bla , tibe2 Aishatul cakap : " Aisya , die datang laa . Alaa yang pakai __________ tuh , " . Oh yeahh , i nampak die . Heee (: . Comel gile laa die :P Hahah , Hurmmm . Yeahh . Then , we laughed so badly , sampai tak leh bernafas . Hahaha , gile laaaa . Sampai terbaring - baring laa . Tergolek - golek gile laaa . KAKAKAKAKA (: . Oh yeahh , then we played Treasure Hunt , obviously AISHATUL menang =.='' . I got 2nd place and Husna got 3rd place which is last . Aishatul lawak dohh . Padan muke awak jatuh tadi ! ( jk jk jk ) Then what ahhh ? Hurmm , oh yeah . Adlin ajak me went to the boys side ( the dirty side ) . Tempat lelaki memang kotor ahh . Pffftt , patot ahh , Boys always be boys :) . Haha , oh okay . Back to the story , ____ was sleeping =.='' Haha , lawak gile dooh die tido . Then , jumpe Afdzal . Die mintak cara2 nak tackle Farah . Haha , i told Farah what Afdzal said to me . Then , we were crazy . Terpikir macam Puteri Gunung Ledang nak ape . Hahaha . Kan Puteri Gunung Ledang kan nak 7 Dulang Emas , 3 Mangkuk Hati Nyamuk and sebagainye kan ? Hahah , You wanna know what Farah mintak ? Hmphhh , die mintak 7 Dulang Emas , 1 Mangkuk Darah Serigala and 50 biiji Tahilalat orang dalam satu mangkuk . Then , we told Afdzal . He said : " Kau igt aku hantu ke ape ? =.='' " Hahaha . Lawak gile laa .
Before solat Asar , we were like macam nak kacau Ustazah Azlinah . Yeahh , then _____ ade . Hahaha , lawak sial (: . Then , Aishatul ejek : " ehem ehem " . Pffftt , belah lah AISHATUL ! Tanak kawan . :p . ( Jkjk ) Hahah , then . Ustazah Azlina kacau aku =.='' . Hmphhh , mentua laa , menantu laahh . HAHAHA (: . Aku gakk kena , nape tanak Adlin ke Maza ke Fatihah ke or any other people . But why me ? Ape yang aku buat kat Ustazah ? Perghhhh , aku dah mule naik fobia ngan Ustazah . Hahaha (: . Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D . Die cute gile nak mampos ! MACAM DIA LAAA ! HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ;) . Adlin sepak aku . Pffttt -.-'' . Oh yeahh . This Saturday and Sunday i won't be blogging and onlining . Pergi KEM (: . heeeee :P . I have to bace tazkirah . Maza pon same ! Sep MAZA ! Gilooo =.='' Tu ahh , padan muke kiteorang ckp byk sgt :P Die comel ! * slaps slaps * . HAHAHAHA (: . So , that's all (: . BYEBYE :p
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