Hello :(
Yes , i am getting my dslr . Next week kot . I want it tomorrow ! Ahhh , tak pe tak pe . Be patient Aisya :) . Gosh , i am totally obsessed with DSLR :D . IDK why . Dad kept asking me why do i need to buy a dslr . You know your answer your self right ? Err , whatever :D . I want to buy this DSLR :

Yes , it's not that canggih or whatever . Janji ade . Yes , a newbie . You can call me that . Intan , don't kill me ehh ? I want to kill you first . I m blaming you . Sape suroh tak bagitaw ade WC ? Ahhh , i hate you . Phfft , whatever :) . A230L . Yeahh , Gishh . Pray for ze father untuk memberi the DSLR awal ehh ? Thank you :D . Okay , the poll thingy . The highest is DSLR ! Woohooo , and yes . I am totally buying it :) . Thank you DADDY ! Hahaha , and for all the people voting at the poll . Thank you for voting . And now , after the DSLR . I am so going to buy a new LAPTOP ! Woooohooooo ! And then Phone . I don't care much about the phone . Cause i already have it . But , it's low quality -.-'' . So , that's all for this post . I am getting hungry . My brother is watching the tv , like you care -.- . Haha , then i want to eat . And read Seventeen . Then , go to sleep . See , what am i going to do tomorrow . And i inform you guys about any updation . Thank you :D And have a good night :D
Byeee :D
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