Hello Hey Hi Hello :)
Tasha , he doesn't like me . What am i saying ? Hello :p . Yeaahh , phftt . This holiday sucks . Really . I don't like holidays . I hate em . But , i also hate school (: . Haha , and now i know . How much I have to appreciate the school . Gahhh , don't you miss ze school ? Ahhh , today is such a boring day . Sunday ? Yeah , quite boring . BTW , Natasha , Hanis , Sakina , Intan , Husna & Adlin . Are you guys coming this Wednesday ? To Sunway Lagoon ? Come lah . Nak enjoy gak . Hopefully my camera is okay on that day . Fish you camera (!) Ahhh , eventually i was the one who was wrong . Gahhh , after this . I want to go to the shop to get my camera fix . So , pray for ze camera yaw ? Hrmph , whatever . I am still sad for the camera -.-'' .
Okay , what's new ? Hrmm , did you vote for the poll i did ? Yeah , that one . The one yang " What should i get first for my UPSR gifts " . Yeah , that one . There is one more day left to vote ! So come on , vote vote vote :) . Woooohooo , come on baby (!) . Hahaha XD . Hrmm , Imran Imran . I hate you -.-'' . But still , miss laa gak :p . Haha X) . Yeahh , woooohooo . Last Evening , i went to Digital Mall . Yeah , me and my father . Oh wait , before that i went to the Hospital . Yeah , my cousin had an accident . Pity him :'( . Then , bla bla bla . Pergi balik rumah jap , hantar Tok Wan . Then , baru pergi DIGITAL MALL . Gosh , i was speechless . There were many many many laptops , cameras , phones and other electronic stuff . Ahhhh , it was like HEAVEN :o
Then , pergi pergi pergi . I want to buy this laptop . I don't want to buy the netbook . It doesn't have enough memory . I want to buy the BIG one ! Weeeehooo , dapat . But , not now -.-'' . Then , pergi lah kedai camera . Ahhh , i can't go repair my camera . The man says it's just a waste of money :(( . Gosh , i am going to be killed by my mother and step father . Ahhhh , whateverlah :D . Okay , then my dad asked the person what is the cheapest DSLR . He said Sony ape ntah XD . Haha , and then . It was pretty cool laa XD . I likelove it ♥ . But , my dad tak nak beli lagi :(( . He wants to buy it next week . Weh , about the Sunway Lagoon kan ? Kite gi minggu depan nak tak *keningkening ? . Because , next week aku dapat DSLR aku . & then , Sakina ade drum class . So , apemacam ? Tanya kat fb & ms je . Don't call till i call you guys :D . Okay , then that's all . The new seventeen is totally cheap . I Love You Beth Cooper is awesome people :DD . Jennifer's Body , errr . I didn't watched yet . Tertidur :D . Okay , i think that's all .
Byeee :D
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