Hello Hey ,
Yes , you can call me a bitch . But i am so envy right now with my friends . Whatever . Hrmph , i didn't update this blog like 3 days . Maybe ? Pfht , like i said whatever . My laptop broke down . Yeah , everytime i touch something . It will seriously be damaged . Yeah , example . Look at my old phone . The Nokia one . Yes , it is totally damaged . & now , the laptop & camera . Ahhh , i am totally stressed out now . So , if you see me or chat with me . If i don't reply , it means i am totally in a stress mode .
Hrmm , last Wednesday i went to Sunway Pyramid with Fatt & Catul . Yes , it was totally the majorly awesome . I totally enjoyed . We went there , we immediantly went to the Cinema . We watched Pisau Cukur . Why did we watched Pisau Cukur ? Hrmph , it was an easy answer . I suggested them don't watch 2012 because it was totally crap for me . Yes , C to the R to the A to the P . Totally damn crap .
Then , the Pisau Cukur movie was totally awesome . It was hilarious . Haha . " Oh My Gucci - Intan Mastura " . Yeah , Aaron Aziz was totally a hottie :p . & there is this one actor , i don't know what's his name . But , at the movie his name is Faqir . Woahh , a totally cutie pie :p Yeah , after that we went to pray . The place was full . Very full . But , we prayed laa gakk . Then , we went to A & W . I was totally hungry . Then , eat eat eat . We gossiped about Qayyum . Haha , sorry Qayyum if you are reading this XP . Yeah , then gossiped gossiped gossiped . Ahhh , we were totally ze full .
Bla bla bla , we walked here , walked there . Wanted to find a pair of socks for Fatt . Then , we went to Asian Avenue . Walk walk walk . Bought 5 socks for RM10 . Fatt belanja :p . Hahah , then . Jalan jalan jalan . Went to Dream World . Camwhored like crazy . Hahah , i was belanja - ing . Dehh , it was penat gile laa ambek gambar :p . But , fun gile . Hahah , then . Pergi Ice - Skating Rink . Hoho , ramai gile orang . I was agak - ing that we were going to bumb in Elena , Syafiqah , Maza , Syahirah , Syasya , Shakir , Shaqeel , Raihanah , Faqihah & many more . Haha , sorry Arifah . I didn't saw you .
The first thing masuk that ice - rink . Pergi pakai kasut , then terjumpa Syahirah & Syafiqah . Terjerit - jerit dierorang jumpe =.='' . Woahh , tak pernah jumpe ke ? Haha , then . Jumpe yang lain . Then , terus masuk ngan Fatt & Catul . Haha , woahh . I was agak pandai main . Haha , lawak deyy . I jatuh and then my seluar jeans koyak -.-'' . Hahahah , Fatt & Catul jatuh samasama . Gile lawak dey tengok dieorang . Hahaha , but best gile main ngan dieorang . Experience (: . Then , pergi mane ehh ? Ohh yeah . Lepas tu main kat Arcade yang dekat ngan Ice - Rink tu . Lawak dol ;p . Hahah , then . Pergi Pizza Wrap . Mereka mahu makan . But , i kindda don't like those stuff .
Then , pergi mane ehh ? Hrmm , let me ingat balik . Then , balik . Naik teksi (: . Hahaha , me & Catul were totally afraid gile lah . Hahah , then . Catul belanja RM10 , me & Fatt were totally terkejut . Hahah , then . Bla bla bla . Sampai . Lalalala , pergi kat padang USJ9 . Then , finish that day . After that , i was sleeping balik rumah . Ahhh . Oh wait , i want to tell you guys something :
" Happy Hari Raya Aidil Adha people (: "
&& i miss my mucho munchy much my freakkishly awesomely friends .
Byeeeee ;)
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