Yeahh , welloww :'( . I am so not in the mood right now . But , i am in the middle of the kebosanan road . So , i have to blog to release my tention .
Yeahh , sekolah was , okay mahh . But , it ends with URGHHH ! You know what i mean by URGHH , in a million time , i won't join any persembahan for the malam amal thingy . Urghh , unless ade malam kenangan abadi . Baru i join . Oh yeahh , sekolah was okay like i said . We played heart attack , spoon & other stuff . Agak lawak laa . But still , i am so not in the mood . Macam malas leehh nak pergi sekolah agama . I don't have any mood to laugh right now . Smile pon tanak . I don't want to berlakon , you guys faham tak ? I memang sokong Vanessa & Shakir , we want to enjoy laa teachers , give chance for the darjah 5 laa ... Dah la this year tak de malam kenangan abadi . Kalau ade , tak pe lah gak . Urghh ! It is so not fair ! Why ? Why ? Why ? We want fair - ness ! We want keadilan ! Standard 6 must have their own space to have their own farewell party laaa . Come on teachers ! Don't you guys give us some space to have our malam jiwang - ness ? Urghh , that's all from now . I guess i malas la nak gi sekolah agame . Sorry peeps . Not in the mood for having fun . Because i am so not in the mood . Urghh , FISH you ! Yeah , btw . Thanks for reading this kindda crap . Byebye :'(
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