Sssuppp supermen & wonderwomen ? HAHA :) .
yeahh , i didn't come to sekolah kebangsaan . Sakina & Intan misses me * sighs * & yeah . I have to masuk acting . Pfftt , i don't want to act . I don't want to masuk any persembahan for the Malam Amal tuu ! Eiiii , geram geram geram :) . Haha , waitt ? Now , i want to tell you guys about Sekolah Agama tadi . Perghh , it was totally ubberly effin F.U.N ! With the capital F ! Hahah , not FUCK . But FUN ! Haha X)
Haha , yeahh . I came to school . With the new plaid crocs shoe i just beli * bajet ahh tuh ? * HAHA :D . Haha , then what ahh ? Oh yeahh . Met up with Rabfiq >.< . Haha , we were blabbing & talking crap . Then , pergi dewan seperti biase . Then , kena naik atas -.-'' . & BTW . My pencil case hilang . Wekkk :'( . Haha ! Then , naik atas . We talked & talked . Tibe2 VOLCANO datang . Hurghhh , patut ahh panas semacam je kat situ tadi . Kau datang rupenye VOLCANO ! Fish you VOLCANO ! Haha ! Then , he said ade persembahan lakonan ahh . I be the mother ahh , eiww ! I don't want to masuk any persembahan ! Tanak tanak tanak ! I just want to be the penonton . WEKKK :( . Haha ! Yeahh , what ape lagi ehh ?
Oh yeahh . We talked ape yang berlaku waktu kiteorang pergi Sunway . Talked to Zatti , Iman & Maza . Gile laa . They were ejeking my kasut crocs . Beli fake bagus laa . Bla bla laaa . -.-'' . Sakit hati :) . Haha , then , Zatti said turun bawah balik -.-' . Ape laa deyy . Penat2 kiteorang naik , kena turun balik . Haha , then , we talked lagi pasal the prom night . Gile laa . Gempak sehh ! HAHA ! Then , what ahh ? Hrmmm, oh yeahh . Urmmmm , what ahh ? Haha ! I cadangkan main Heart Attack , so we * me , adlin , husna , fatihah , maza , iman & zatti * played . Bapak best sehh . Then , we terjerit-jerit macam orang gile -.- . People were like pandang - ing us only mahh . Haha , lawak lawak lawak . Then , Aishatul join gakk . We played , sape kalah . We jerit HEYYOOO ! Hahah , lawak gile sehh . It was the funniest thing happened in my whole life . Sakit perut gelak . Then , Ustazah panggil for the name untuk khatam al - quran . DoubleWooot ! Yeahh , adlin , husna , maza , zatti , iman & fatt pon join . But , Aishatul tak join -.-'' . Ape laa deyy , nak masuk aje nasyid . Taw laa suare lu sedap kan ? -.-'
Yeahh , BTW . Muhd , kau pon masuk . PADAN MUKE kau ! HAHA :) ( jk jk jk ) Hehehe . Then , we sambung balik main the HEYYOOOO game ! Perghh , rapat2 laa . Banyak ahh benda kiteorang buat . Gile laa wehh . -.-' . Haha , then . REHATT ! Wooohoo ! Bla bla bla . Makan . Oh yeahh , waktu ambek air wudhuk ! Gempakk ehh IMAN ? Haha , mandi air . Habis basah baju kiteorang :D . Zatti penonton sahaje :) . Tanak join . Lawak gile sehh . Sakit perut aku igt balik pasal tadi ! HAHA ! Then , solat pon lawak sehh . HAHA ! Then , bile nak solat lawak sehh . Kipas berbunyi macam orang kentut -.-' . Farah buat , tak de laa plak . Ape laa deyy kipas . Bagi penumbuk nakk ? HAHA ! Heee :) Haha , then . Lepas solat . Aishatul jadi gile . Haha , then ape lagi ehh ? Oh yeahh . We practise for the khatam thingy . Best best best :) . Haha ,that's all kot . Hehe . So , byebye readers <3
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