Err , im bored . So , i blog . And yes . This is the second post for today . Btw , if you suddenly accidently heard me singing . Please shut your ears . My voice is terrible . And i likelove it ♥ . Yes , nuts . And btw , remember i post this post about how lame am i ? And yes , i am lame . Because , i didn't watch New Moon yet . My friends dah . Phfft , lame . I'm kindda obsessed to the song : " Lady Gaga - Bad Romance " . It's awesome (: . Hrmm , i'm really tired . Btw , Nureen . If you're reading this . Bile nak lepak weh ? I miss you . Kite pergi Isnin minggu depan boleh ? I okay aje :D . The internet is so damn fishing slow . Lembab gile . Ahhhh , fish you INTERNET ! Phfftt , speaking of internet . Nothing . Haha :)) . Hrmm , yeah . Weird . Whatever . Myspace is getting boring , Facebook is totally boring . The internet is getting boring when the internet is slow -.-'' . Currently watching Wipeout Australia . Dumb =.= . Btw , what are you doing on your holidays ? Mine ? Tidur , makan , tengok tv , solat , pergi tandas and etc . Phft , yes . Stupid rutin everyday . My tummy is hurting like hell . And yeah , because of this stupid disease . It's called LOVE . And yes , stupid disease . Hrmm , still . The disease spread . It's dangerous . And yes , i'm crapping . Bak kate Aishah Asmizi : " Tak de keje " :p . Haha , yeah . Don't you guys think i'm fat ? -.-'' . Opps , i forgot . I'm fat . Don't need to tell . I know . And i ain't pretty . You can call me a bitch , a loser , a freak , a whatever . And i still don't care . Please , see your self at the mirror first . See , who's the bitch , loser , freak or whatever . Hrmm , again with the stupid disease . It's totally giving me bad effects . Everytime , before i go to bed . I will always daydreaming . And yes , i'm kindda childish . It's fun day-dreaming . Haha , noob . Btw , if you wanna know the truth . I really don't miss my friends . Ceh , what ? You are believing that ? Gosh , i miss them lah . I want to go to Segar Minda as always . Nak selalu Encik Faisol mengacau . Nak Puan Too marah . Nak Miss G bebel . * Heheh , btw . Kalau cikgucikgu bace . Jgn marah ehh , saya rindu cikgu sahaja :) * Err , that's all i think . Okay ,
Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ;)
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