Actually , im not in the mood for blogging . But , people want to know what happen today at my interview . So , im going to tell you guys . Kay ? But , first thing first . Im sleepy . So , if im writting crap or my english grammar sucks . You know why right . Err , let's start :) . Okay , went there using a car -.-' . With ze daddy :) . Then , turn the radio at Hitz.fm . Was singing like HELL . Then sampai sane . Woahh , terkejut macam beruk -.-'' . Haha , yeah . The school was HUGE people ! Then , cari parking . Macam berparking kat Sunway Pyramid -.-'' . Then , pergi laa the tempat berkumpul nak daftar and etc . And then , dah beratur dah . Tibe2 die tanya : " Kumpulan ape ? " . I was like , : "Err , tak taw laa " . Then , kena pergi check balik kumpulan ape . Ahh , kumpulan E rupenye -.-'' . Gahh , then kena beratur balik line yang same . Lagilah the panjang =.= . Dapat number 21 . 22 Aishah Asmizi . Okay laa tu . Group same . Husna pon same ! Yeahhh ! Wooohooo ! Hahaha , Adlin was totally jealous :p . Phfftt , then . Masuk bilik menunggu . It was like HELL menunggu -.-'' . Haha , luckily , there were Husna & Aishah . We were laughing like HELL . I think , we were the only one who was laughing loudly . We talked about school and stuff . And all the memories that i remember laa . Gosh , it was funny ! Haha , then Adlin came . She told us about the interview . Phft , yes . I know kan , mentahmentah dapat interview dulu . Senanglah hidup . Heh :p Then , ape lagi err ? Yeah , then boleh pergi dah bilik interview . Yeah , we talked lagi -.-'' . Macam tak pernah bercakap deh . Gosh , haha XD . Then , cakap lagi . Then , it was other people's turn . Bla bla bla , borak ngan Adlin , Fatin & manymany more . Then , after that . Husna's turn . Then , orang stranger's turn . Then , it was my turn . Ahh , i felt nervous masuk tempat tuu . The question was okay la . I rate 50/50 . Then , they asked me about myself . After that , they asked we about jawi & kena tulis atas kertas ntah . Then , bla bla bla . Then , they asked me about what is my penglibatan ape ntah . Then , they asked me about hobby in english . Then , that's all laa kot . Then , balik . Makan Mcd . Haha , and yeah . That's all i think ? Whatever lah . Okay , i think that's all . My fingers are cramping . So ,
Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ;)
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