Bonjour ;
Yeah , whatever . My blog really the totally sucks . & I don't know why . Yeah , whatever . Phft , I really don't like people copy - ing me . Who likes when other people copy you ? Not me , I'm one of them . And yeah , whatever . Err , I really can't wait to move out from here . Yeah , I don't know why . I think I'm not good enough to stay here . Oh wait , next week & the following week . I'm not going to be here . Let's take it like a holiday . But , I'm not at a holiday , I am going for an interview at Terengganu -_-" . Wtf ? Yeah , you could say that again . Yeah , I really don't know what to post about . Yeah , why is everybody busy today ? Whatever . Then , a stupid idiotic guy stalk me =.='' . Yeah , I think it's Aiman Nadzmi . Fuck him -.-'' . Gah , whatever . He was so stupid . Only GOD knows why :) . Err , yeah . A weirdo with a freakkisly weird attitude :D . Hahah , but he is seriously funny and weird -.-'' . Yeah , whatever . He said his name is Joker -.-'' . Joker lah sangat . & now , I can't open my msn . Weird , msn is getting weirder and weirder every second . Yeah , awkward (: . Phft , whatever . I want to go now . Au revoir !
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