Monday, November 30, 2009
Gosh , are you blind ?

Don't go yaddippa yaddippa on me .

Before i say anything . I just want to say : Happy Aids Day :)
Okay , now let's begin .
Hello Hey Hye Hello again :]
Phfftt , yeah . Lame - o - me . If you see , i will always won't online on the afternoon or ze evening . This is because that my dad's bring this laptop to his office . So , that's the reason . Okay , change the topic . Hrmm , oh yeah . Jennifer's Body . I watched it . At the dvd's laa . Im too young to watched it at the cinema :) . Hrmm , it was kindda creepy & it was crap . Totally crap . There was urghh . Cencored part :D . So , watch it . Haha , kidding :) . Hrmm , my dad is not home :( . He is at Kedah ( like you guys care ) . Whatever , but i care . Hopefully , he is safe . Agak sedih :p . Okay , the reason why i want to post this time is about , i wrote a blog because all the school activity's we had . And now , no school just holidays . Boring . And yes . I could die sitting home , watching the tv , sleep and many more . Hrmm , yeah . I miss my friends . And ahhh . I feel so unlucky . We have to go to Sunway Lagoon next week . Okay laa tuu . Janji pergi . To the one yang berkenaan , please bring some cash not some . Bring RM100 and your MyKad . It will give you discount :D . Haha , that's all ? Any info i tell you guys later . Sooo ,
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Surveys :)
Err , Farouque ?
2) If you were drafted into a war, would you serve?
Yeah , no problemo XD
3) Do you sleep with the tv on?
Sometimes 0.o
4) Have you ever wheezed the juice?
WTH is that ?
5) Have you ever won a spelling bee?
Nehh , im lame -____-"
6) Have you ever been stung by a bee?
Currently , no . Alhamdulillah :D
7) How fast can you type?
Faster than my bros . *keningkening
8) Are you afraid of the dark?
Nop . Okay , sometimes :)
9) What color are your socks?
Im not wearing any socks you dumbass .
10) Have you ever made out at a drive-in?
Nop , i don't drive cars yet . Im too young (!)
11) When is the last time you chose a bath over a shower?
Hah ? =.=''
12) Do you knock on wood?
Nop . Are you nuts ?
13) Do you floss daily?
Nop . I don't floss . I brush my teeths :D
14) Do you wanna Fanta?
WTFish is that ?
15) Can you hula hoop?
Nehh , can . But , 2 times only mahh . Haha :p
16) Are you good at keeping secrets?
Sometimes .
17) What do you want for Christmas?
A dslr (!) . Wooohooo :D
18) Do you know the Muffin Man?
Nop . I don't know who is he . Do you know who is he ? Hehe :p
19) Do you talk in your sleep?
Sometimes . Crap :p
20) Who wrote the book of love?
IDK . The author ? -.-
21) Have you ever flown a kite?
Yeah , when i was a small kid .
22) Do you wish on your fallen eyelashes?
Nop .
23) Do you whiten your teeth?
Nehh , like i said . I just brush them -.-
24) Can you smell what the Rock is cooking?
HAH ? Nooo you MORON !
25) Have you ever asked for a pony?
Nop . Who wants too ?
26) Have you, or would you ever, donate sperm/eggs?
HAH ? - ____- " . Are you nuts ?
27) Can you juggle?
Nop :D
29) If you could enact any new law, what would it be?
Hrmm , give everyone a DSLR ! Weeeehoooo :o
30) Do the chickens have large talons?
Hah ? What's a talons ?
31) If you had only enough energy left in you for one last smile, who would you give it to?
Hrmm , * ehem ehem * . HAHA XD
32) Are you ready to rumble?
Nehh , tak nak . Im too tired :)
33) Can you count to Schfifty-Five?
What is that ? Haha XD
34) Have you ever been suspended or expelled from school?
Nop . Im a good kid * innocent face *
35) How do you spell relief?
R - E - L - I - E - F . Is this correct ?
36) Have you ever crawled through a window?
Nop .
37) Have you ever eaten dog food?
Hah ? WTF ?
38) Can you handle the truth?
Yeah , sometimes .
39) Do you like green eggs and ham?
Eiwww , HELL no ! =.=''
40) Who is your daddy? and what does he do?
My daddy ? Khairul Nizar Ismail . Err , take care of me ? -.-
Don't blame me .

Yes , it's not that canggih or whatever . Janji ade . Yes , a newbie . You can call me that . Intan , don't kill me ehh ? I want to kill you first . I m blaming you . Sape suroh tak bagitaw ade WC ? Ahhh , i hate you . Phfft , whatever :) . A230L . Yeahh , Gishh . Pray for ze father untuk memberi the DSLR awal ehh ? Thank you :D . Okay , the poll thingy . The highest is DSLR ! Woohooo , and yes . I am totally buying it :) . Thank you DADDY ! Hahaha , and for all the people voting at the poll . Thank you for voting . And now , after the DSLR . I am so going to buy a new LAPTOP ! Woooohooooo ! And then Phone . I don't care much about the phone . Cause i already have it . But , it's low quality -.-'' . So , that's all for this post . I am getting hungry . My brother is watching the tv , like you care -.- . Haha , then i want to eat . And read Seventeen . Then , go to sleep . See , what am i going to do tomorrow . And i inform you guys about any updation . Thank you :D And have a good night :D
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Can I Love You ?

Hello Hey Hi Hello :)
Tasha , he doesn't like me . What am i saying ? Hello :p . Yeaahh , phftt . This holiday sucks . Really . I don't like holidays . I hate em . But , i also hate school (: . Haha , and now i know . How much I have to appreciate the school . Gahhh , don't you miss ze school ? Ahhh , today is such a boring day . Sunday ? Yeah , quite boring . BTW , Natasha , Hanis , Sakina , Intan , Husna & Adlin . Are you guys coming this Wednesday ? To Sunway Lagoon ? Come lah . Nak enjoy gak . Hopefully my camera is okay on that day . Fish you camera (!) Ahhh , eventually i was the one who was wrong . Gahhh , after this . I want to go to the shop to get my camera fix . So , pray for ze camera yaw ? Hrmph , whatever . I am still sad for the camera -.-'' .
Okay , what's new ? Hrmm , did you vote for the poll i did ? Yeah , that one . The one yang " What should i get first for my UPSR gifts " . Yeah , that one . There is one more day left to vote ! So come on , vote vote vote :) . Woooohooo , come on baby (!) . Hahaha XD . Hrmm , Imran Imran . I hate you -.-'' . But still , miss laa gak :p . Haha X) . Yeahh , woooohooo . Last Evening , i went to Digital Mall . Yeah , me and my father . Oh wait , before that i went to the Hospital . Yeah , my cousin had an accident . Pity him :'( . Then , bla bla bla . Pergi balik rumah jap , hantar Tok Wan . Then , baru pergi DIGITAL MALL . Gosh , i was speechless . There were many many many laptops , cameras , phones and other electronic stuff . Ahhhh , it was like HEAVEN :o
Then , pergi pergi pergi . I want to buy this laptop . I don't want to buy the netbook . It doesn't have enough memory . I want to buy the BIG one ! Weeeehooo , dapat . But , not now -.-'' . Then , pergi lah kedai camera . Ahhh , i can't go repair my camera . The man says it's just a waste of money :(( . Gosh , i am going to be killed by my mother and step father . Ahhhh , whateverlah :D . Okay , then my dad asked the person what is the cheapest DSLR . He said Sony ape ntah XD . Haha , and then . It was pretty cool laa XD . I likelove it ♥ . But , my dad tak nak beli lagi :(( . He wants to buy it next week . Weh , about the Sunway Lagoon kan ? Kite gi minggu depan nak tak *keningkening ? . Because , next week aku dapat DSLR aku . & then , Sakina ade drum class . So , apemacam ? Tanya kat fb & ms je . Don't call till i call you guys :D . Okay , then that's all . The new seventeen is totally cheap . I Love You Beth Cooper is awesome people :DD . Jennifer's Body , errr . I didn't watched yet . Tertidur :D . Okay , i think that's all .
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Flipping it back , to the memories that i miss .

Hello Hey ,
Yes , you can call me a bitch . But i am so envy right now with my friends . Whatever . Hrmph , i didn't update this blog like 3 days . Maybe ? Pfht , like i said whatever . My laptop broke down . Yeah , everytime i touch something . It will seriously be damaged . Yeah , example . Look at my old phone . The Nokia one . Yes , it is totally damaged . & now , the laptop & camera . Ahhh , i am totally stressed out now . So , if you see me or chat with me . If i don't reply , it means i am totally in a stress mode .
Hrmm , last Wednesday i went to Sunway Pyramid with Fatt & Catul . Yes , it was totally the majorly awesome . I totally enjoyed . We went there , we immediantly went to the Cinema . We watched Pisau Cukur . Why did we watched Pisau Cukur ? Hrmph , it was an easy answer . I suggested them don't watch 2012 because it was totally crap for me . Yes , C to the R to the A to the P . Totally damn crap .
Then , the Pisau Cukur movie was totally awesome . It was hilarious . Haha . " Oh My Gucci - Intan Mastura " . Yeah , Aaron Aziz was totally a hottie :p . & there is this one actor , i don't know what's his name . But , at the movie his name is Faqir . Woahh , a totally cutie pie :p Yeah , after that we went to pray . The place was full . Very full . But , we prayed laa gakk . Then , we went to A & W . I was totally hungry . Then , eat eat eat . We gossiped about Qayyum . Haha , sorry Qayyum if you are reading this XP . Yeah , then gossiped gossiped gossiped . Ahhh , we were totally ze full .
Bla bla bla , we walked here , walked there . Wanted to find a pair of socks for Fatt . Then , we went to Asian Avenue . Walk walk walk . Bought 5 socks for RM10 . Fatt belanja :p . Hahah , then . Jalan jalan jalan . Went to Dream World . Camwhored like crazy . Hahah , i was belanja - ing . Dehh , it was penat gile laa ambek gambar :p . But , fun gile . Hahah , then . Pergi Ice - Skating Rink . Hoho , ramai gile orang . I was agak - ing that we were going to bumb in Elena , Syafiqah , Maza , Syahirah , Syasya , Shakir , Shaqeel , Raihanah , Faqihah & many more . Haha , sorry Arifah . I didn't saw you .
The first thing masuk that ice - rink . Pergi pakai kasut , then terjumpa Syahirah & Syafiqah . Terjerit - jerit dierorang jumpe =.='' . Woahh , tak pernah jumpe ke ? Haha , then . Jumpe yang lain . Then , terus masuk ngan Fatt & Catul . Haha , woahh . I was agak pandai main . Haha , lawak deyy . I jatuh and then my seluar jeans koyak -.-'' . Hahahah , Fatt & Catul jatuh samasama . Gile lawak dey tengok dieorang . Hahaha , but best gile main ngan dieorang . Experience (: . Then , pergi mane ehh ? Ohh yeah . Lepas tu main kat Arcade yang dekat ngan Ice - Rink tu . Lawak dol ;p . Hahah , then . Pergi Pizza Wrap . Mereka mahu makan . But , i kindda don't like those stuff .
Then , pergi mane ehh ? Hrmm , let me ingat balik . Then , balik . Naik teksi (: . Hahaha , me & Catul were totally afraid gile lah . Hahah , then . Catul belanja RM10 , me & Fatt were totally terkejut . Hahah , then . Bla bla bla . Sampai . Lalalala , pergi kat padang USJ9 . Then , finish that day . After that , i was sleeping balik rumah . Ahhh . Oh wait , i want to tell you guys something :
&& i miss my mucho munchy much my freakkishly awesomely friends .
Monday, November 23, 2009
Keeping it real (:

Adlin (:

Natasha (:
Sakina (:
Hanis (:
Husna (:
Izzati (:
Aishatul (:
Fatihah (:
Maza (:
Mai (:
Syasya (:
Aini (:
Syahirah (:
Arisa (:
Arifah (:
Zureen (:
Elena (:
Syafiqah (:
Iman (:
Zatti (:
Puteri (:
Kalila (:
Salma (:
Shiela (:
Kayisah (:
Yazmin (:
Muhd (:
Fahim (:
Wan (:
Faris (:
Fadhli (:
Ismail (:
Fakhru (:
Roshand (:
Shakir (:
Imran (:
Aiman (:
Syidi (:
Yeah , lawak kan those pictures ? You can laugh lah . * HAHA * . Hrmm , that's all kot ?
Byeeee (:
It wasn't good enough .
Yeah , bla bla bla . I really don't know what to crap about . Yeah , just watched 2012 . Yeah , i know . That movie was a crap . Ask Wan . Yeah , i support you Wan . It was totally crapp - ness . Hrmph , what ahh to talked ? Ohh yeah . This Wednesday , going to go to Sunway . With Fatt , Adlin ( maybe ) , Catul , Asyraff , Ameerul , Shakir . Yeah , ntah lah nak buat ape kat sane . Yang tahu , Fatt & Acap are going to date . So , me & Catul are going jalan-jalan cari masalah ngan semua orang kat sane (: . Cehh , kidding jer lah . Phftt , googled the internet . Checked about DSLR , LAPTOP & PHONE . Stuff that i totally wanted . Yeah , dapat 5A . Dapatlah apa-apa yang saya mahukan :D . Heee , totally the gembira . Hrmphh , you can suggest . What first ? A phone or a laptop or a dslr first ? I totally want a dslr first . About the phone , tak payah lah . Already have one ( yeah , low quality :D ) . Whatever , if you need my number . Ask me at fb or ms . Only messages and the people i know only . The people i am not fammiliar , i am so not going to layan . Thank you , i am being rude :) . I don't like to know new people . Yes , i can be rude sometimes . Whateverlah . Phftt , yes . Totally damn bosan gile nak mampos now . BTW , Shakir , Fatt , Catul . Please come to my house first . Then , you guys boleh terus pergi ke Sunway . It's more easier :D . Tak payah aku kena dengar mak aku bebel :p . Phftt , yeah . Bosan nye today :D . So , that's all kot . So , okay . Before i write crap . I have to stop now .
Friends or Foes ?
Friday, November 20, 2009
Wait , didn't you remember me ?
Sarmaf D':
Aishatul - My Budak Tembam & Cute ^.^ ♥♥♥
Fatt - My Teman Segossip :D ♥♥♥
Mai - My Teman Gelak Macam Orang Gila -.-'' ♥♥♥
Aini - Budak pandai aku (!) ♥♥♥
Muhd - Budak gile aku -_-" ♥♥♥
Tu jer kot ? Sarmaf agak sikit lah . Tak ramai rapat sangat :D
BTW , If your name is not on the list , you can tell me . I could put it :D
Byee :D
Missing them ♥
Adlin Ilyana Amir :'(
Intan Najihah Mohd.Nasseir :'(
Nur Sakina Zulkifli :'(
Natasha Hazlin Nordin :'(
Hanis Syazana Suhaimi :'(
Currently , i totally miss them so mucho much ♥ . They are like my sisters . I love them so much . & I miss you guys gilagila la weh :[ . Hopefully , kiteorang boleh pergi belepak ehh ? Haha , ily & imy guys gilagila taw wehh . Don't 4get me ehh kalau aku pindah ? :/
Byee :D