Tuesday, August 25, 2009

awww , favourite song of the month ?

Heyyyo people ! Haha . yeahh . this song's totally awesome ! iLOVEit ,

it's about friendship , ( awwwww , sweet nye ! )

Then , lagu nih pun agak cool , by DEMI LOVATO and SELENA GOMEZ

(yeah yeah yeah . i know you guys don't like them . but try to know them . and you will like them )

Haha , you wanna know what's the tittle of the song ?

the song's tittle is :

*drumrolles please*

One and the same - Demi lovato and Selena Gomez .

p.s : This song is from the PRINCESS PROTECTION PROGRAME . ;)

Funny Bunny ahh ?

Haha . Today was F.A.N.T.A.S.T.I.C !
I didn't sleep last night .
So , i slept after solat suboh :)
It was ahhhh ! amazing !
Isleeping , i wish that i could sleep forever (that means dead laa idiot )
okeyh , let's continued with the story X)

Urmm , bangun kul 2 petang ( macam nih ke anak dara ? ) cacat XD
Haha . Then , siap2 nak gi sekolah agama :)
Then , gi lah sekolah agama . Sampai2 sekolah agama ,
USTAZAH dah mula mengajar . Masuk SELAMBA-LAND ahh
Then , aku kena duduk depan sekali . Boleh laa gakk ;)

Kemuadian , aku kena angkt kerusi kat tempat duduk aku ,
AHHHHH ! Could'nt be worse ahhh ? :/
Then , belaar SIRAH . Buat keje sikit .
Then , AKHLAK . Fatt , Maza , Catul tak habis2 gelak cam orang gile ,
Sebab mereke and ameerul buat bunyi cam PIG .

Ngok gilee ahhh ! Then , hafal-hafal-hafal :)
Then , lawan mate ngan CATUL . Bapak susahh ahh .
Mate CATUL klakar X) kening terangkat-angkat ,
cam bangang jee . then , fatihah and maza pun ikut .
gelak gile lah akuu . nasib baik ustazah tak nampak . HEE ~

Then , balik . Woooot woooooot XP XP XP
Then , main pepsi cola X) (yeahh . and i think u guys maybe thinking ,
budak darjah 6 main pepsi cola ? rediculous ! )
haha . but that's the fact ! we're totally crazy .
then , main cam orang tak de akal laa ,

Haha , puasa plak tuh -.-'' cam ne laa tak terdahage ?
Then , pak cik aku datang . that red perdana car ;P
Then , ambik laa beg . Then , aku nampak pak cik aku
lambai-lambai kat si CATUL ,KALILA n MAZA .
Buat flying kiss laa , haha . kelakar :P

Then , dieorang pun geli laaa , haha . padan muke :P
And that's all happen today ;P
Byebye :P Muahhh X)

Monday, August 24, 2009

in-LOVEE ♥

i am in lovee , ( not with a human , ) but with a baret ,
it looks soo pretty when SARAA wear's it ,
i it , ( what to expact ? SARAA is a major with a capital M hottie ! )
Ahhh , it's pretty cute ahh ! Lawaaaaaaaa sial ;)
I wish i have it , dah mintak my mum dahh . She said nak buat ape ?
Ape nak jawab ekhh ? ngeeeeeeeeeeee ~
cakap jer laa , pakai sengaja :P
And i nak mintak my daddy ( cewahh ) beli kan shades ,
yang jenama RAY BAN ahh , lawaa ouwh that shades .
Yeahh , JOE wears it . i have to have one of those !
May my wishes come true yahh ? Pray for me ?
Give me some luck yahhh ? Ngah ngah ngah XD XD XD

Heyyyo ~ ;P

Haiyookkk ! -.-''

I am going to tell you about my favourite latest blog : ( for now )

Top-10 .
Maisarah ? Maisarah ? That crazyfreakingweirdawesome lady ?
Haha . She's totally crazy . And you have to see her blog ! Memang gile macam die .

Top-9 .
Salma and Kalila ? This weirdoes ? Haha . IreallyHEART♥them ,
They are freakkin funny ! And their blog is simple , and i like it !

Top-8 .
WAN ! WAN ! WAN ! Political ? Yeahh . His BAHASA MALAYSIA is awesome dudee !
He has a good BM . And his blog is like an adult blog . Haha . Sometimes , it's funny :)

Top-7 .
Imran Haziq ? That funny kid ahh ? Itu budak ahh manyak gilo lohhh , (just kidding )
His blog is very unique . and i love it !

Top-6 .
DEANAAAAAAAA ! Awww , her blogs about her cool life , (betul tak ? )
ifreakingloveeherdamnmuch <3

Top-5 .
Fahim Azzam ? That little cute boyy ? Haha . Ilovehim ( as a friend okeyh ? )
Hehe :D He writes at his blog so freaking COOOL !
Top-4 .
This babe ? iLOVEherSOmuchoMUCH ! She's hot ouwwhh . And she write awesome things at her blog !
Top-3 .
Haha ? This little missy ahh ? iLOVEher <3>
And yeahh . Everytime she write anything at her blog , is kindda AWESOME !
TOP-2 .
iLOVEthisBLOG . Awww , it's kindda stupid , but fun to read .
Ouwh ouwh ouwh ! iLOVEyou ARIFAH HUSNA <3

Top-1 .
Awwww , i really love this bloggie . It's sooooo pretty . Who's ahh the owner ? ^.^ Must be lucky ,
i really love this blog because it's mine . HAHAHA ;P

new layout :)

weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ~
i've edited my little bloggie , nicee ahhh ?
grr , you're pretty bloggie !
i lovee youu <3
haha . cacat jap . wek wek wek :P

Sunday, August 23, 2009


Urghhh , i hate shafiq aderlaa !
Sape nak suke budak NERD tuh ?
Eiwwwwwww , kepada sesiapa yang ingat aku suka shafiq !
Palaotak luu , eiww , kawan aku laa yang suke shafiq !
YUCKSS ! Aku nak muntah kalau orang kate aku suke die !
Aku kan suke ____________________ . (don't need to know )
kepada sesiapa yang tahu aku suka sape ,
aku suke die lagi , makin tergile-gilekan die ader laa ,
hurmmmm . -.-'' btw , ihateshafiq !

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Tu me manques

Tu me manques'

yeah , and i you guys are thinking , what the hell am i talking about ?
haha , your not going to know . cause it's my
dirty little secret ;)
haha , kiss your own ass you sucka ! ( cacat jap , :P )

Je suis amoureux de toi'

Tu me manques' soooo muchoo much !
waahhh , why didn't you came to school ?
(whoaaa, too much information . )
sorry ladies and gentlemen , it's my
dirty little secret ,
so , you guys don't need to know yahh ?
okeyh , don't be mad ahh ? ;)

Okeyh , back to the story -.-''
I just watched
JONAS , it's not finished yet .
and i am watching the 12th episode ,
syasya said that there are 13 episode's for this 1st season .
And yeah ! i can't wait for the 2nd season ,

okeyh , what are we talking about ?
oh yeah ! JONAS . joe is mucho hottie ! aww , his cute ;)
and funny though . ahh ! i want him soo much !
his hot , funny , adorable , cute , nice , and many2 more ;P

nick is kindda hot though , but joe's
hotter !
kev is really funny , haha . i laugh a lot watching this show !
but , i felt weird watching this show , some of the episode has
ex-girlfriend ! chelsea staubb kissed joe ,
and joe
kiss chelsea , awwwww , it's sweet , :D

so , that's all i have to say ;)
and oh yeah !

to all the muslim's :

selamat berpuasa ekhh ? :)

jangan tinggal puasa ekhh ? kkk ? chao , ;D

Friday, August 21, 2009

Cacatnye jantan ,

aiyoyoyoyoyo ,
korang caye tak ade mamat mat salleh nih bajet ,
Urghh , i hate him , he knows everything about me ,
cacat kaan ? patu kate die dah lame tunggu aku ,

cam cacat kaaan ?
ntah2 memang cacat , patu umur die 22 years old ,
for whoever reading this his email is :

yeah yeah yeah .
eventhough die tulis 97 kat belakang ,
he is 22 years old laa dude !
don't approve him ,

his crazy , ahhhh ?

Thursday, August 20, 2009

New Layout ahh ?

Gah gah gah ,
I am satisfied with this new layout ,
Why ? Because my old layouts are darks ,
So , it's not ceria enough ! Rightt ?
And , I notice that my friends hated my old layout because it's ugly .
And i agree with them , so ?
Any comments about this new layout ? Tell me , !

Miss me , miss me , now you got to kiss me :X

Yeah yeah yeah , miss me ? C'mon , just tell me , I know i didn't came to school like , 3 days or 2 ,
Whateverlaah , but mesti u all miss me kaan ? Yer laa , i am the talkative one and i like to be
CRAZY sometimes at school and u guys gonna feel so lonely , right ? right ? right ? haha :D

Wow , kindda miss all my friends kat sekolah , but kadang2 tak miss gakk , ;D
But , best laah gakk tak sekolah , andandand , why is the school tak tutup lagi ?
Eventhough ade budak2 yang dah kena H1N1 , hurrmmm , stupic pejabat jabatan -.-''

I miss adlin and muhammad ( as friends laa idiot , ) sebab dah lame tak jumpe mereka
awwwwwww , how are they feeling , what are they doing ?
Dah mampos dah ? (kidding jer laa ) hurmmmmm , what are you guys doing dudes ?

Blablabla , is there anything fun happen at school ?
What is it ? I know , you guys are wondering why i didn't come to school ,
It is because , malas , penat , ngantuk , i am fasting , and H1N1 problem at school ,

WTH ? UPSR is 18 more days , and i think i am not ready ,
yer laaa , takut soalan dier susah gile nak mampos !
am i ready ? am i ready ? am i ready ? (this question always in my head , )

Hurmm , what to talk ahh ? Oh yeah ! My brothers are afraid of killerjo ,
how to stupic , yeah . what to expact from little cry babies like them ?
what a shame , due2 takut macam nampak betul2 . bongok kaan ?

Yeahh , so byebye people , i think that's all i have to say ,
sayonara , :D

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Hottie Alert , !

Yeah yeah yeah , eventhough I said that BEN BARNES was hott ,

But , it doesn't mean yang JOE JONAS isn't !

He will always and forever in my heart


Yeahh , his hot . So back-off bustards !

Alaaa , so what ?

You can take him , he is 20 years old laa man !

But , age doesn't count , so , you want him , take laa !

Aiyoyoyoyoyo , -.-'' Why does he has to be hot ?

My eyes are freaking burning once seeing him !

I want to meet him !

Ahhhhh ! It would be a miracle to see , and stare at him ,


Waaaaaaaaaaaah ! God gave us a hottie ,

And I am the one who deserves it :P

So , byebye people ;D

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Paramour , <3

Yeahhhhhhh , kindda stupic for a tittle right ?
BTW , I am fasting 4 the 5 day , berturut-turut ,
Hurghhhhhhhh ! This is the reason I hate to puasa ganti ,
Tulahhh , sape suroh tak puasa ganti awal2 lagi ?
Bodoh kaaan ?
Biaselah ! (NO COMMENTS )

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !
I miss him , (shhh , you don't need to know , )
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh , why ?
He didn't came for the last 2 days ,

And congratulations to the new happy couples ,
Semoga Selamat Dan Berbahagia Hingga Ke anak , cucu , cicit ;P
Kahwin2 cepat sikit tau ,
Aku nak tengok anak kau fatihah :P

Miss me ?

Heyyyyo Peeps !
Yeah , I know you guys miss me , right ?
Currently I am busying updating FAHAMIKA's blog ,
But , it doesn't mean I forget you my lovely blog ,
nuraisyaa.blogspot.com will always forever and ever will be in my heart ,
and i love you bloggie , ;)

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Jumaat , Sabtu ...

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D
Phyco jap ! (Yeah yeah yeah , IDK how to spell phyco ! )
Nganganganganganga ,
Urmmmm . Hari ini ? Yadda yadda yadda ,

Datang sekolah , bacaan yassin ,
Jumpa sape ntah , aku tak ingat :DD
Yeahh , jumpe ZUREEN CAMELIA :) (keningkening)
Then , lepak jap kat surau ,

Borak-borak ngan ADLIN jap , tentang *TOOOOT* :DD
Then , bace YASSSIN :DDD
Yadda yadda yadda ,
Aku kena larikan diri dari nak check kuku aku yang panjang :D

But , Ustazah dapat tangkap :(
Elena and Maza pun kena :P
Padan muke kiteorang , sape suroh tak potong kuku awal2 :]
Wek wek wek , :-(

Then , pegi PEEE JAYY !
Wooot wooot , best seyhh ,
Eventhough aku tak dapat maen first game ,
At least I had fun with SAKINA :)

Gile ouwhh main ngan SAKINA ,
berangan sini , lompat2 sane ,
Cam orang gile !

Then , aku dapat main !
Yeahhh ! Aku white team ,
While SAKINA is in the RED TEAM :p
Boooooo ~ Losers ! :P (Joking ~ )

Then , aku main aku jadi GD dah silap ,
And yadda yadda yadda ,
Tiffany luke , kesian die :(
Then , IRFAN pun luke ,

Irfan lagi parah dari TIFFANY ,
Die kena bat baseball (WOOOOOH !)
Kesian kann ? Berdarah mulutnya ,
Semoga sihat IRFAN :DD

Then , belajar maths ENCIK ZAIDI masuk tibe2 ,
soalan nye bangat senang dong !
Then , bahase malaysia :D
Boleh laaa , aku buat kertas soalan tuh , aku dapat 93 !

Bangge gile ouwhh , first time plak tuh!
Then , rehat , ouwhh yeah , aku jatuh banyak kali :(
Kesian kaaaaaaaaaaaaan ? XD

Then , rehat , rehat , rehat
Habiss :D
Then , SIVIK , Bosan sial !
Hurmmm , (no comments )

Then , English , pun no comments ,
Hehehehehe ~
Boleh laa tahan :D

Hahaha , then habis cite :D
Peace :D Aku dah kena stop ahh .
Mak dah mule bebel ,
telinge aku jadi mangse ,

"Wahai telingaku sayang , jagalah baik2 :DD"

Yeah yeah yeah , GEMPAKK :p

Bosan sial hari ini , aku bangun lambat :)
Kul 12 Lebih , so , that's the reason yang aku tak pegi sekolah hari ini ,
Miss me ? Hehehehehehe~
Bangun bangun bangun , bukan mandi ke ape ,

MAKAN dulu T_____T" Cam ner laa tak gemuk tiap2 hari ?
Then , bace buku sekolah agame , yer laa ,
PERIKSE kaaan ? and and and ... aku selalu bace buku last minute ,
cam ner tak bodoh bodoh tiap2 hari ? =.=''

Then , buat laa perikse , hurmmm .

Senanglaa gakk . :DD

Hehehehehehe ~

So , byebye =)

p.s : Fatihah malu2 ahh plak jumpe eherm eherm :DD

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I miss youuu , I miss your smile :D

Yeahhh ! I know aku tulis merepek lagi untuk tittle kaaan ?

Mesti korang rindu aku kaaaan ? ( T__________T")

Hehehehehehe ~~~~~~~~~~~

Yeah yeah yeah , bla bla bla .

Urm let's start from :

Monday , !

Urmm , segar minda , perhimpunan , kelas , kelas , kelas , rehat , kelas , kelas , balik !

Sekolah Agama , Ujian , Bahasa Arab And Imlakk ,

Bapak senang sial ! Tu arghh , tak caye cakap aku !

Then , rehat , then imlak , susah ouwhh objective ,

Wekkkk :(( ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Then , aku lepak ngan si MAISARAH and ZATTI sebab tak solat ,

Then , balik .

Tuesday , !

Okeyhhh , urmm ? Jap aku nak ingat kan memory balik ,

Dah dapat ! Urmmm , segar minda ,

buat kerja , bla bla bla , belajar , belajar , belajar .

Rehat , belajar belajar , belajar .

belajar belajar belajar , BORING !

Sekolah agama , urmm . Datang sekolah lepak jap sementara menunggu nak masuk perikse ,

Then , masuk perikse , ambik AKHLAK and SIRAH !

Boleh laa gakk , BINCANG ;DD

Then , habis :D

Solat , habis .

Melepak kat tempat bas , aku and adlin ,

Best arghh gakk .

Budak laki b*** tullah ,

Ejek sini , ejek sane ,

And macam2 lagilaa !

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ! He was damn hott ouwhh ,

Ngeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !

Then , lepak lepak lepak .

Uncle nak pegi dahh , byebye :D

Tusyen , Urmm ? Bolehlah gakk , :D

Wednesdayy , !

(Today laa you idiot ! T__T")


I came late today :(

Miss G dah ade dalam kelas , then belajar .

Aku puase (konon-kononnye , )

Then belajar belajar belajar

Rehat , belajar belajar belajar .

Then , aku selesema teruk gile nak mampos ,

Sakina , FARIS (Zureen :P ) , KOSHEELON , ROSHAND ,

halau aku keluar kelas . Die orang takut kena H1N1 ,

"Hello ? Kau ingat aku kena ker ?"

Tak , sebab ROSHAND tibe2 selesema , so die ingat aku yang jangkitkan nye ,

"Pity-pity little ROSHAND :p"

Then , aku pun baliklaa ,

Then , aku balik pukul 12 lebih , penat sial ,

kena laa bukak puase , tak jadi nak ganti puase tahun lepas ,

Then , tidur ajeee ,

sampai kul 2 lebih mak aku gerakkan ,

nak g sekolah agame ! Yess !

Sekolah agame ? Aku datang , bas M15 dah ader kat belakang aku !


Haha , then waktu adlin sampai aku ngan die pakai mask , best !

Then , sampai kelas ,

aku sempat bace buku tajwid untuk get ready !

Then masuk perikse ,

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !

senang rupenye ;P

Then , aku dapat kertas bahasa arab ,


Cube teke aku dapat bape ?

90 ! Mumtaz , yeah yeah yeah !

Then , ramai marah aku ,

ape salah aku ? Then kertas IMLAK ,

35 jerr , per 50 oke ?

Then , aku happy gile laa ! Hehehehehe ! ~

Then , rehat and gi laa kat kelas balik ,

tanye ___________ die dapat bape untuk bahasa arab ,

not bad yeahh kau dapat ! Okeyh aahh , dari GAGAL ker LULUS !

Kannnnnnnnnnnn ? Then sambung perikse KHAT and JAWI ,

Boleh laa , aku asyik padam tulis padam tulis padam tulis ,

tuh jer laa habbit aku kalau buat khat , nak lawaaa ( perasaan : P)
Then , urmm . solat :)
Then , balik !
Yeahhhh !
Tambahan :
Aku pening kepale gile dengar cerita _____ and _____ ,
aiyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyo ,
sorang cakap nih , and sorang cakap nih ...
BTW , selamat _______________ ,
Semoga berbahagia hingga anak cucu cicit , ...... (and mcm2 lagi )
Hahahahahahaha ~~~~~~`
_________ , thanks laaaa !
Kau bagi aku jadi photographer kau untuk majlis perkahwinan kau :P
Hahahahahaha , yeahh ! Aku akan ambik gambar lawa2 gambar korang due ,
Ekkk ?
Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe ~

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Best Friendss , ;))

Yeahh , heyy bloggers ! Hyee AISYA here .

Yeahh , I LOVEEEEEEEEEEE my fucking crazy friends !

They are my soul and they live in my blood , (palaotak lu !)

See , I warned you , I write semua merepek !

If you can understand me , you know me .

Yeahh , cause I loveee to talk ,

This are my friends name :

Adlin Ilyana Amir

Muhammad Puwirajaya

Fahim Azzam Mohamad

Nur Aishatul Hamizah Nordin

Husna Kamil

Nur Fatihah Rosli

Nur Kalila Mohd.Asri

Siti Mazarina Qarirah Ramli

Ili Syasya Hamzah

Wan Abdul Rahman Wan Yusof

Irfan Mazlan

Norzatti Mohd.Zaini

Nur Iman Syahrain

Maisarah Norazman

Nur Arisa Nadzarawi

Nur Izzati Mohd.Noor

Fakhru Arief Fakhruzi

Nur Sakina Zulkifli

Hanis Syazana Suhaimi

Puteri Fariza Ahmad Faisal

Salma Aina Mohd.Salleh

Intan Najihah Mohd. Nassier

Nurul Marshiela Suparman

Natasha Hazlin Nordin

Arifah Husna Badlishah

Syasya Ahmad Fuad

Shahira Adila Abdul Aziz

Nur Elena Abdul Rahim Hew

Nur Syafiqah Sahira Mohd.Farid

Zureen Camelia Zulkapli

Mohd.Faris Mohd.Fuard

Dannil Adzha

Imran Haziq Kamil

Muhd.Shakir Shaharuddin

Nur Yazmin Yazid



Muhd.Shazmer Zuraidi

Hadi Helmi Md.Zuraini


Sara Azhar

Nurul Irdeana Ruzamri

Nurul Zafirah Zahir

Chu Jia Ying

Nur Dayana Kamaruzzaman

Missing youu , T_________T

Vintage Icons

Vintage Icons

Today , tomorrow or the next day , mungkin I am not going to online ,

Tunggu sampai habis UPSRA baru aku onn , k ?

So , byebye :DD

And yeahh , I know you guys going to miss me :P (Chewahhhh ! )

Oh MAN ! I am gonna miss you , bloggie ! Don't leave me ! @_@

Crazy NERD !

Vintage Icons

Vintage Icons

Heyy people ! Yeahh , today I don't know why am I writting this merapu things ,

because I am kindda bored today ,


Takut ouwhhh , ! Whyyyyyyyyyyy ?

For your information , tarikh PSRA dekat dengan tarikh UPSR !


UPSR - 8 , 9 , 10 September 2009 , (SELASA , RABU AND KHAMIS )

But PSRA - 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 September (ISNIN , SELASA , RABU , KHAMIS )

Shitt ! So what am I doing here ? Sepatutnya belajar , aiyoyoyoyoyo !

Akan jadi NERD bulan nih =__________=''

Ben Barnes ,

Ahhhhhh ! Isn't his a hottie ?

Yeahh , so what ? If for you he isn't a hottie , SO WHAT ?

You're jealous right , because you're not hot ,

Yeahhh , BEN BARNES is like a angell , :DD

I loveee youu soo much BEN !

Merapuu , =.=''

Random Photography Icons

Okeyh , people .

For your information I am a photo-maniac !
Yeah yeah , so what ? Jealous ?
I loveeeeee to take pictures ,
And my motto is "No Camera , No Life , "

Haha , just kidding , takkan tak de camera dalam hidup ,

Tak leyh hidup , tak masuk akal , -.-''
See , sometimes , I talk something yang merapu yang u guys takkan faham XD
Myspace Photography Icons

Yeahh , save your life before people safe yours
, (and yeahh , i don't know what am I talking about , )

Yeahh , qiamat hampir dekat

So , people . Are you ready ? :)

Some imformation :
I am not gonna update any post because the UPSRA are near ,

Thank youu ,

Acting , ?

Random Photography Icons

Yeah , yeah yeah . I am just PRETANDING (did I spelled right ? )

I am just PRETANDING to smile , at you , so capish ?

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Pretty Icons

I have many freaks !
And I lovee them soo fucking damn much !
They make my world happy :D
So , do you have any freaks ?
Pretty Icons

A SMILE can make everybody feel happy , right ?
And lagi-lagi the love's one ,
Awww , he/she smile makes you wanna smile right ? :D

She's a rockstarr , !

Pretty Icons
Heyyy , I think ahh , Nerd and Geeks are hott , Yeahh , I don't know why , ?
Because of their fashion or trend ?
(Sorry guys , this post is kind of short because no idea ! )

Friday, August 7, 2009

Birthday Store ! -.-''

Yeahh , tadi g kedai birthday ,
Alaaaa , nak beli barang untuk birthday kawan mak aku ,
Then , pegi laaa kedai tuh ,
Memang mengagungkan :D
Lawaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa siall ,
Aku cam nak beli semua benda yang ada dalam kedai tuhh ,
Cantik sangat , mask diee !
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh !
Then , sementara mak aku beli balloon , aku chat ngan si MUHD and HADI and ZAF ,
Boleh laaa gakk , sampai aku tinggal RM2 lebih jee -.-''
Tak pee , nanti mintak orang :D
Then , tengok laa benda nak beli ,
pujuk mak aku nak beli benda ,
then beli laa badge !
Yeahhhhhhhhhhhh !
Badge gambar skelaton , gambar love and gambar ELMO ,
Muhd nak elmo -.-''
Aiyoyoyoyoyo, nyesal aku bgitau die .
Lawaaaaaaaaa laaaaaa plak letak kat pencilbox aku , ;)
Then , aku pujuk mak aku beli mask plakk !
YEAHAHHHH ! dapat gakkk ,
biaselah , mummy's girl :D
Then , balik .
Then yadda yadda yadda ,

Bercouple ?

Yeahhh , you wanna know why I put this tittle ?
And it's a stupic rediculous updation ,
But I wanna tell you guys something ,
Aku buat kajian scientifik (NUR AISYA's EXPERIMENT) ,
yang orang yang ber-COUPLE nih BODOH . (No offence , guys )
But , not at the mental way , as PELAJARAN ,
Ntah2 die lagi pandai dari aku , but from another way :D

Ikut KAJIAN aku laa ! Bukan KAJIAN korang ,
Then , ade laa beberape sebab yang aku kate BODOH :-

1. Sebab menyakitkan hati orang !
2. Menyebabkan orang itu tidak fokus untuk hidupnye ,
3. Bercinta monyet ,
4. and macam2 lagi laaa ,

But aku kaji selidik orang yang pernah berkapel and orang yang berkapel ,
(Name2 nye aku tidak boleh sebut kerana terlalu private and aku rase anda akan ngacau mereka )

Orang Pertama (Yang pernah berkapel 3 kali ) :

Alasan-alasan yang die berkate kapel itu best :

1.selalu dihargai
2.waktu birhtday akan wish
3. protect
and macam2 lagi laaa , aku tak ingat ape die cakap :D

And orang kedua (pernah berkapel 2 kali ) :

1. macam orang bertunang , (tak diterima oleh aku )

And orang ketiga (pernah berkapel 2 kali and skang berkapel ) :

1. ntah , (die jawab cam tuh jee ? cam tak ikhlas jee , )

and itu laa sebab2 nyee ,
nanti aku kaji lagi ,
nak tanya orang ,


Thursday, August 6, 2009

Yeahh , GEMPAKK !

Haha , tadi sekolah ,
Aku sampai and then , borak borak ngan adlin .
Then , urmm , ape ekhh ? Lupe ahh ,
Oh Yeah !
Then , g KELAS ,
Then g PJ .
Tak PJ punn , PUAN AZMA tak datang :(
Then , kiteorang tak de idea nak main ape ,
main jer laa berlakon dulu ,
Hanis jadi CINDERELLA ,
(Alaaa , bajet :P)
Urmmm , si ADLIN and ARISA jadi kakak tiri ,
aku mak tiri , urmm , husna fairy god mother
Hahahahahahaha , lawak gile !
Then , bosan sangat sangat ,
Kasut aku jadik mangse bola sepak -.-''
Then , hanis bagi idea main GOOSE and DUCKS , (tul tak name nye ? )
Then , main laa , aku kejar , sampai aku tak leyh bernafas .
Then FARIS join ,
lawak gile dooh , FARIS kejar SHAHIRA !
Then , cikgu suroh masuk kelas ,
then belajar ,
then rehat ,
then , tak de guru masuk lepas rehat ,
ape lagi kelas USAHA partyy !
Then , aku , hanis , fahim , shazmer , irfan , wan and faris berceramah
kat tempat aku , cite pasal QIYAMAT .
Gempak siall , best doooh !
SO , that's all !
Nak pegi skolah agame dahh ,

Yeahh , sudah bersedia kaah anda ?

Qiyamat hampir tibe , and kamu sudah bersedia ?
Urmm , that movie is going to come out in this year !
And yeahh , I want to see it !
Tak sabar !
Mesti GEMPAK gile nak mampos !
And , INSAF laa cepat2 !

The BABOON's and the BERUKK's

Yeahh yeahhh yeahhhhh !
See your name ?
Yeahh , that's my BABOON and BERUK's !
I own them !
Yeahh , not own own ,
just FRIENDS <3
They rock my world !
P.s: If your name is not there , padan muke :P

Musicaa !

Yeah yeah yeah ,
My music SUCKSS !
Aku malas nak buat baru laa ,
Biar laa sampai aku tak berpuas hati ,
Sekarang nih , hati aku berpuas sangat-sangat !
Terlebih puas , kerana aku buat blog nih ,
MEMENINGKAN otak aku !
You knoww ?
Kena bace code2 nyee laa , eii !

Berpuas hati , ?

Okeyhh , sekarang aku baru berpuas hati dengan keadaan blog aku !
Yeahh , best dooh ! Blog aku makin lawaaaaaa ( prasaan ! )
And and and , aku tahu korang JELES :p (Chewahh , main2 jee ! )
Tak laa berpuas hati sangat , sebab keadaannye biasa saje ,
Sooo , cepat cepat cepat bukak blog nih , and tulis banyak2 kat SHOUT BOX !
And aku akan reply , yeahh ,
Blog nih cam jiwang semacam jer kaan ?
(hihihihihihihihihihi XP XP XP )

6th August 2009 ,

Yeah , yeah , yeah .
I know laaa . Today ?
Yes ! Do you know what's the meaning of HORRIBLE ?
If you don't know , open the DICK-tionary now !
Haha XD XD , kalau kau bukak , kau BODOH xp
(Padan muka , sape suroh ikut nasihat aku ? )

Okeyhhh , don't follow that stupic advise ,
Because it's stupic -.-''
Okeyhhhhh , urmm . What to talk ?


Okeyhh , sk seafield ahah kannn ?

Umm , seafield tadi ade ujian PEMAHAMAN and PENULISAN .
PEMAHAMAN , cam nak cabut kepale otak aku nak fikir kan nyee ,
Then , PENULISAN ! Aku hampir menangis dibuatnye ,
Then , belajar seperti biasa ;(
Lepas rehat , ada birthday _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,
kedekut tayi hidung masin nak bagi kek :P
Patu kelas GIGIH , bising gile nak mampos !
Aku pun tak leyh tahan nak dengar ,
sebab aku tengah belajar ,
dierorang buat bising ,
urghhh ! aku benci kelas 6 GIGIH ,
Then , belajar , tak belajar langsung ade laa !
Kena marah dengan PUAN MARINA sebab kurang ajar sangat ,
(Tulahh ROSHAND !)
Then , science , aku tertidur (again)
Then , balikk ! :]


Yadda yadda yadda ,

Urmm , fikir balik ape aku buat .
Okeyh , aku ingat !
Then , datang sekolah , buat ulangkaji yang terakhir sekali ,
Tapi g rehat dulu , baru belajar :D
Then , makan makan makan .
Then , periksa :(
Bapak susah ?! Boleh laa , (ape aku merepeh nih ?)
Then , ape ekhh ?
Ouwhh yeah , aku tertidur .
Ustazah MAIZATUL and AZLINAH kacau aku -.-''
Kesian aku kaaaaaaaaaaaan ?
Then , aishatul tipu aku yang aku berdengkur kuat gile nak mampos ,
bongok nyee shatul !
Lepas tuh , solat ,
aku tak solat ;) (Bodoh gile aku bgitau ! )
Then , g lepak kat depan masjid .
Then , lepak kat tempat bas tuhh ,
Sial ! Eiiii ! Semua bongok2 !
Boleh laaa , tahan laa gakk .
(But , tak de mamat yang hott ! )
Kat PWTC . Aku dah mule pening dahh ,
So , nightnight !

PS : Fahim kate blog aku cam ROJAK !
Urmm , ROJAK sedap ape ? kaaaaaaaaaaaan ?

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Puppy the PUNKSTERR !

WTH am I writting for the tittle ?

(Weirddd muchh ! )

Makin lame , makin dekat UPSRA ,

Makin pelik laa tittle :D

Okeyhh , let's begin=)

Which would I choose ? :/
Yeahh , kindda an awkward question .

Yess ! Finally ! I have made this blogg kindda stupid -.-''
Yeah , yeah , yeah . I know my blogg is kind of boring ,
I am just a beginner laa , dude !

Okeyhh , sekolah kebangsaan ? :/
Nothing best happen ,
ujian ajee . that's all . then belajaaaaaaaaar :(
Then , balik umah
Then , g sekolah agama .

Hahahahahahahahaha :DD
Kan sekolah agama lepas habis ujian tajwid , rehat kaan ? >.<
Then g laa kantin , lepas tuh makan
Then , g pusat sumber nak beli gule2 untuk makan waktu ujian :DD
Hahahaha , then nak ambik gule2 .
Aku terduduk atas majalah banyak nih laa ,
nasib baik majalah tuh tak runtuh -.-''
Then , semua gelak yang dalam pusat sumber tuh -.-''
buat malu jee , :D
Then , ustazah azlinah cakap :

Ustazah A : Aisya , tak elok tunjuk bontot kat mak mentua ,
Aku : Hah ? Sape mak mentua ? -.-''
Ustazah M(Maizatul) : (GELAK AJEE )
Fatihah : Alaaa , kau kan nak hakim . Catul plak nak HALIM .
Aishatul : Kau tuh , kau nak hadi kan ?
Fatihah : (Buat tak tahu .)
Ustazah M : Kamu tak nak yang besar tuh ke , (referring to hadi .)
Aku : EIWWW ! (aku lagi sanggup ambik EHEM EHEM )
Then , ujian . Aku nye mentos jatuh :(
Bonggok nye ZATTI . Tak pe , nanti aku balas balik :)
Then , ujian khat and jawi .
Tuh jee , then balik .
Habiss BD

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Let me hear that !

(Yeahhh , out of idea nak tulis ape untuk TITLE)

Okeyh , let me hear you SCREAM !
4 ice-cream ! speaking of ice-cream , I am getting hungry :D
Okeyhh , urmm . I am soo BORED today :(
Dah laa lepas nih nak kena gi TUSYEN :(
And and and , MAISARAH dah berhenti :'((
Weeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk ~ :((
Okeyhhh , that was AWKWARD ? Wasn't it ?
Whatever it is , my fact is today is a awesome boring day :(
(it doesn't make sense at all ! )

Freakkkk !

Yeahh !
Today is a peningkepala day ,
Yeahh , soalan hari ini , kind of memeningkan . -.-''
Okeyhh , urmm . Khamis ini , g PWTC !
Majlis Tilawah Quran Antarabangsaa :)
Urmm , soalan SIRAH aku nye kepala cam nak putus ajee ,
It was a HORRIBLE , yeahh . With a capital H in it !
Then , dah tak gado dahh ! Yeahhh . Sorry :(
(Againn ! )

Monday, August 3, 2009

Tak sangke rupennyee ,

Booo yaaaah people !

I didn't expact this to happen ,
The ones who I LOVEE and TAKE CARE of them , are my enemies !
As the Malay's pepatah :
"Musuh dalam selimut"
She is NGUMPAT-ing about me and my friends ,
Dah laa ! Tak yaah laa nak BAJET baik depan kiteorang ,
We are not DUMB , ! (At least , ? )
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiighhhhhhhhttttttttttt ? :)
Whatever laa , hush ! I hatee you fucking damn much !
I thought you were my best friend ,
But , I was wrong ! I should just setuju with FAHAMIKA that you were a DEVIL !
If you HATE us , why won't you just go to HELL , hah ??
I selalu SOKONG youu , but ?
You ngumpat pasal kiteorang laa , mengejek laa , and macam-macam lagi laa !
I tahu laa you CANTIK , tak yaah ahh BAJET semacam ajee !
Sincerly ,



Wooot woot XD XD ,

It's your 12th BIRTHDAY !

Make a wishh , -.-''

Okeyhh , urmm . ?

Haha , kau dah tue ! :P

(Tak sedar diri , aku pun dah tue :P )

Aku lambat sikit tau nak bagi hadiah , :)

I think after the UPSR kott ? :D

Okeyh , dapat 5A and berjayalah bersungguh-sungguh !

(BTW , aku tak tahu ape yang aku merepek nih ! -.-'')

xoxo ,

sahabatmu ,

aisyaaa :)

p.s : We are just FRIENDS okeyh ?

Sekolaah -.-''

HeyyHeyyHeyy people !
Grrr , hari ini ?
You wanna know whyy ?
I said kindda okeyhh !
Soo , it's half bored half funn !
The fun part is :
Urmm , let me think think and use my thinking cap !
Ahah ! I knoww , let's start the story withh ,
It's was a bright sunny day , ( blablabla , let's get SERIOUS ! )
Okeyhh , the first thing first ,
Waktu nak pegi sekolah ,
I tak de suare :( Kesian kaaaaan ?
But , that's non of your perfect buisness ,
Then , nak pegi sekolah , letak barang .
Then , jumpe si SAKINA , HANIS .
Jumpe jumpe jumpe .
Yadda yadda yadda .
Nak cakap ngan dieorang susah , sebab aku tak de suare :(
Weeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk :((
Then , adlin datang , borak borak borak .
Jumpa FAHIM .
Baru teringat , today is his 12th BIRTHDAY !
Jumpa die , lari ahhh . -.-''
Then , semua ikut nak wish kan die ,
but he ran from us . =.=''
Then , ader laa perhimpunan .
Aku duduk sebelah FARIS (ehem ehem :P )
Then , aku nak nyanyi lagu-lagu ,
Then , ade orang gelakkan aku ,
Guess whoo ? =.=''
Then , aku nyanyi dengan suara serak aku tuhh ,
Then , waktu nak duduk
Faris gi terpijak jari aku yang comeel , (CHEWAHH ! )
Then , jari aku luke :(
Aku pun nangis laa , ( dramatic laa konon-kononyee )
Adlin pujuk aku ,
Then , tibe-tibe aku nampak jari aku keluar darah banyak laa ,
Then , menangis lagi laa . =.=''
Then , okeyhh daa .
Borak borak borak .
Then , cikgu buat pengumuman nak ambik gambar pengawas , kelab and permainan .
Aku pun urghh !
Urgh - malas 0.o
Yippeeee - Yess ! Tak yahh belajar !
Then , ambik laa gambar .
Then , habis sekolah :)
Then , sekolah agama laak :
Datang2 sekolah masuk kelas jumpa aishatul , husna and zatti .
Borakk japp . Ulang kaji jap .
Ajak duduk luar . Then , cakap cakap cakap .
Ade orang nangis :(
( Not me okeyhh ? )
Then , pujuk orang tuu ,
Then , __________ lalu .
Hahaha , senyum :)
Then , blablabla .
(You don't need to know ! )
Then , masuk perikse :(
This is the bored part start !
Then , kena buat periksa dengan jari yang sakit :(
and sakit tekak ,
Then , rehatt !
Jumpa fahim .
Muhd ade . And kawan2 die ,
then si fahim tanya , :
"Weyh , ari nih ari ape ? "
Aku jawab :
"Hari nih bday fahim . "
Fahim pukul aku . -.-''
Sebab , die cakap ngan aku , jangan bagitau si muhd yang hari bday die .
Aku lupe :D
Thenn , rehat .
Aku bwak RM10 dgn banggenye :P (Tak elok RIAKK ! )
then , bagi birthday boy RM2 .
Muhd mintak -.-''
Ello ? Kau ingat aku cop duit ke ?
Then firdaus mintak .
Then adlin mintak and aishatul .
Aku pun bagi laa , nanti dieorang semua merajuk :)
Then , blablablablablabla .
Lame gile doo aku tak cakap ngan muhd .
Sorry tau weyhh . :(
Then , sambung perikse .
Then , balik :)
Habis cite B )
Byebyebye :)

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Study group was fun !

Eventhough tak STUDY langsung , (Shh ! Don't tell my mum ! )
Study laa gakk .
Urghhh , belajar pun 5/10 jee .
Yang lain main internet , dengar lagu , menari , and macam2 lagi :P
Then , banyak ahh benda kiterorang ambik :)
And gambar-gambar tuh yang kat bawah tuh ,
Hahaha :) Terukk kann ?
Then , fatihah and aishatul kena balik . (Husna tak datang :[ )
Then , beberapa jam kemudian .
Adlin and Kalila nak baik ,
but tak de orang nak ambik .
So , terpakse laa aku kena hantar dieorang jalan kaki .
Then , aku , adlin and kalila on the way ,
Aku naik basikal , dieorang jalan kaki .
Padan muke :P
Then , aku bawak laa basikal aku dengan penatnye .
Lepas hantar si ADLIN kat kuartes .
Hantar kalila plakk .
Kalila naik basikal aku kat belakang :)
Besst ! Laju aku bawakk .
Then , lalu padang USJ6 yang ade padang futsal tuhh ,
Jumpe lah si DANNIL and RAIMI .
Sial nyee JANTAN !
Then , lalu padang USJ6 yang dekt dgn rumah puteri tuhh ,
Then , nampak fahim and muaz .
Tegurr ahh japp .
Then , g hantar si KALILA balik rumah .
Then , aku balik rumah .
Aiyoyoyoyoyoyoyo .
Aku penat bangat siall !
Okeyhh ahh !

P.S : Aku tak ready lagi untuk PERCUBAAN UPSR AND PSRA
Takut siall !

Wooot woooot ! XD XD

Haha , this pictures are FCUKING stupic and FUNNY .
Wooot wooot :)
I lovee all of this pictures :)
<3 them soo much !