Saturday, October 31, 2009
I can be your best friend , but i can also be your number one enemy .

Sunway Pyramid was totally COOOOL !

Friday, October 30, 2009
* sleepy sleepy sleepy *

ze blog sucks laa babe :)

I thought love story ends with : " & they live happy ever after "

Isn't it funny ? Love Story . Everytime you go , it is all about LOVE ! Love here , Love there . And LOVE everywhere . Haven't you think ? Love is just the pain that makes you feel so sakit . Sampai the pain won't gone . You are so going to balas dendam at the person yang you pernah buat . And because of LOVE , you can sometimes go madly macam orang gile .
Well , this is the last day i am going to live :)

Thursday, October 29, 2009
Dayyuummmm , it wasn't usefull .

Grrr , RAWRRR people :D . Wasssupppppp ? Yeahh , and it was kindda bosan kat sekolah :P
Shushh your freakkin mouth you idiot dumbass !

hello people (: . sorry for the ugly blog dulu . it was soo ugly laa babe :] . so , so , sorry :)
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
You make my heart stop .
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Beauty & The Beast :o
Damn girl , wassupppppp . I have a normal day today .
Thursday, October 22, 2009
I miss you loads laa babe :')

Party - ing laa deyyy =.=''

Hello earthlings (: . Me come in peace as always ^.^
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Psssttt , she's a stalker , =.=''

Sunday, October 18, 2009
Chat , and please . I just want to plaster your freaking huge mouth !
Pffft , you make me sick you moron !

Perghhh , today was totally BOHHRRREEENNNGGGG ! Yeahh , mark my words : BORING DAY LAA TODAY ;) Yeahhh , Okayy . I was checking on some people's blog , and they were awesome - ly cooler than my . My one is soo uglyy onee mahhh . Pffftt , so . I am on the renovation of this ugly blog . Oh yeahh ! I just made a twitter . And i don't know how to use it . Booooohooooo to me ! Ohhyeahhh . My room is soo freezzinggg . * shivering * . Haiyokkk , memang bosan laa todayy mahh . So , there is nothing to write laaa . Hurmm , ohhhhh ohhh ohh ! I ate pizza :P ! It was fantastic ! Delicious lagi tu ! And i ate ice - cream ! Yeeeee ;) . McDonald's Ice - Cream and Domino ' s Pizza (: . Perghh , memang sedap gilee laa . So , okayy . Byebye people :)
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Jane Doe , I don't think i know you . (:

Grrr , people :P . HAHAH ! I am totally obsessed to NSN ! Heeeeeeeeeee ;) . Theyy RAWKK ! Thanks to my friend . Yang tolong memperkenalkan NSN ! Ohh waitt ! I think you guys don't know what's the meaning of NSN kan ? The meaning is Never Shout Never ! Grrr , the singer is totally hot (: . HAHAH ! &&& the first time , ader seorang mamat tuh mengaku die tak hot . Woooohooo ! Die kate : " Hahah , itu aku mngaku dia lg hot drpd aku . " Memang pon :P . Bluek . Jk Jk Jk . (: . So , what ahh ? Ohh yeahh . I am obsessed with the song Jane Doe . & Christ's smile and laugh ! Heeee :) . Too cute to be true :) . Hahah ! Yeahh , so . The story is nothing sebenarnya :P . Ohhh Jyeahhh ! Me , Adlin , and Kalila went to beraya - ing at Ustazah Suhaila ' s house (: . AHHHH ! Hazim was sooo cute (: Macam baby ! ( memang baby ponnn =.='' ) Grrr , muke die comel gile nak mampos ! Then , we snap some pictures ! It was soo FUNN ! Yeahh ! HAHAH ! Then , bla bla bla . Ustazah Azlinah came . It was okayy agakk :P . Then , we balik kuartes . Nak beraya - ing kat rumah Encik Faisol . Encik Faisol was AWESOMEEE ! We talked and talked and talked . Banyak gilee laahh bercakap =.='' . Then , me and Kalila wanted to go home . So yadda yadda yadda . Naik basikal . Habes . Hantar die balik rumah . Blah blah blah . I am backed at home ! YAYYY ? Hahah , so that's all i want to say . Sayonara (:
Friday, October 16, 2009
I used to be LOVE DRUNK .

Grrr , he was damn hot (:

first thing first , i didn't know . some people read my idiotic non - cool blog . hishh , famous lahh sangat :P HAHAH ! yeahh . then , blah blah blah . okay . where was i ? oohhh okayy (: . sekolah agama :P . was sooo amazing . heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (; . HAHAH ! Yeahh , i brought 4 box of pizza's and it is still not enough . Hurghhh , stupido . Hahah ! What the F ? HAHAH ! When i called the Domino's pizza , the woman on the line called me PUAN . Hello ? Do i look like a 30 year old woman ? Hishhh , maybe my voice kind of creep's people out :P Who knows ? HAHAH ! Then , yadda yadda yadda . The domino's pizza people doesn't know where is Masjid Al - Falakh is . Haiyokkk -.-'' . Kesian nyee :P . Then , urmm . We have to take the pizza . All day long , ( waktu tuh ) i didn't saw him . Then , masuk dalam dewan . Baru nampak ! HEEEEEEEEEE ;) . He was hot . HAHAH ! With his ______ colour Baju Melayu ( sorry guys or girls , i can't tell you people what colour was his Baju Melayu . It would be too general . Sorry :[ ) . Grrrrrrrr , memang hot lahh . Siapa pandang , memang jatuh hati . But , all of my friends macam tak jatuh hati pun . Ntahh lahh , i am soo addicted to him ! HEEEEE (: BTW , my room is soo frezzing . Urghhh , macam AIS XD . ( Not Arifah , Izzati , Sarah lahh ) . HAHAH ! Then , what ahh ? Ohh yeahh . Asyik pandang die aje . Ohh yeahh . Sorry guys ! You didn't get the pizza . Awww , cian :'( . But , what do i care ! Heee , he was holding my camera . Cacat =.='' ( pegang camera pon nak kena kecoh ke ? ) . Eh eh eh ! Kena lah ! SEJARAH :p . HAHAH ! Then ape lagi ekhh ? He was too ___ to take pictures . So , tak dapat lah ambik gambar die yang hot gile tuhh ! &&& people are trying to tell me , who is the hottie ? Hishh , why do you wanna know ahh ? Mind you own buisness lahh ! Hishhhh . Then then then , what ahh ? We ate ! Yayyy ! Pizza , spagetthi ( whatever it's spelled ) . Ahah ! Dia makan pon cute . Hishhh . Aperlahh . Then then then , what ahh ? Ohh yeahh . Aishatul and Farah jahat lahh ! Setakat die mintak kite ambek ____ tuh pon , awak gelak ! Hishhh , malu malu malu :P . Yeahh , &&& sometimes , my YM is kind of dorkyy and lame . So , sorry if tiba-tiba ter - off . Because my YM is lame . :P HAHAH ! Then , solat . Dia jalan macam super - model yang hot . Memang hot pon :p . HAHAH ! Then , apelahh . Tuh jer kot . Urmm , then ambek hadiah ! YAYY ! Our group won ! Kumpulan 1 dapat number 1 ! yayy ! I was like , "OMG ! We wonn ! Yayy !" Pelik lahh gakk . Ketupat kiteorang kalah . &&& banyak benda lah yang pelik tapi benar (: . Then , balik ! Yayy ! Heeeeeeeeeee (: . This was the fun part . I can't tell you . He laughed so cute (: . Comel plak tuhh . HEEEEEEEE :P . Hahah ! I can't tell you because it is too general , if only i have my only private blog baru boleh . Sorry :'( . Then , balik rumah . YADDA YADDA YADDA . Oh yeahh . ____ tak suke die . Dia kate die sombong . What ahh ? Lek lahh . But but but , kite takkan ngalah :P . HAHA ! So , byebye people :P
Thursday, October 15, 2009
i was a lonely person , before you came to me (:

HAHA ! :o . What's up you guys ? Sehat (: . I am okay aje :P . HAHA :D
Yeahh , soo . well . (: . He was fucking ubberly damn hot laa people ! Grrrr , geram geram geram (: . HAHA :o . Eventhough dia pakai baju burok aje , so what ? He still a hottie (: . Once a hottie , always a hottie . :P . HAHAH ! Bluekkk :P Hahaha . why why why ? Why do i have to fall in love with the hottest person in the entire schoool (: . HAHAH ! Lawak gile do tadi :P Sembelih ayam . It was soo fun ! Hahah ! I was the first one to sembelih the ayam , ( BANGGA AHH TUHH ! ) yeahh . Memang bangge pon ! :p . Ngok gile sial ! HAHAHAH ! Then , take some picture . Yadda yadda yadda . HAHAH ! Then , urmm . Oh yeahh . Our jualan was like RM198.60 . Urghh , so damn sikit lahh :P . Okayy lahh . Haha ! Bajet gile ! Hehehe :P . After that , we took some pictures . Then , ohh yeahh . Sekolah agama was the bomb . HAHA ! It was my first time i took pictures of him :) . HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ;) . He was ubberly cute laa . Dah lah dengan muke die yang comel tuhh (: . HEEEE . I fell in love with him . Oh yeahh . Adlin came to my house tadi . HAHAH ! We were like laughing the whole time ! She was chatting with her ex . And bla bla bla . It was soo coool . She felled in love with this boy . I can't tell you :P . It is our dirty little secret . But , the UN - LUCKY part is , she didn't come and sleep at my house ! Urghh , she has to go home . Ye lahh , anak mummy :P HAHAH ! Then , we were like so boring ahh . Banyak ahh benda we made . Oh yeah ! Gr8 news ! Aishatul and Fatihah and Maisarah are friends again ! Yayyy ? HAHAHA , but i feel lucky though . Okayy , that's all kot ? Tomorrow is going to be so fun ! Because JAMUAN KHAS MURID TAHUN 6 SEKOLAH AGAMA ! Yeahhh , so . I can see him wearing a hot baju melayu :) . Yayyy ! So , that's all kot ? And and and , nanti 18 November ade malam 1 Malaysia . Annual concert maybe ? Buat kat Holiday Villa at Vintage Ballroom ! Yayyy ! A ballroom ! I am soo going to come ! And and and , i can't forget shopping ! So , that's all fokes ! Byebye people :P
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
very disappointant
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
me + you = ?

Monday, October 12, 2009
urghh , she is such a biatch !

Saturday, October 10, 2009
mother fucker prince .
weeeehooooo ?
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
solving problems
Monday, October 5, 2009
May our friendship last forever ,
So , then we yadda yadda yadda . No , berkerjasama - ing . Stupid group . Bhahahahaha XD . Yeahh , then . I have to do the amali pafa - ing . Because i didn't came on Friday . Huishhh . Then , urmm . I begged at Ustazah Maizatul and Azlinah , so that i could do it myself . And not people looking at me . But , they made fun infront of me . Bad luck maybe ? Then , the USTAZAH - ian gelak jee kat i . I was like : " USTAZAHH ! " . Then , semua tengok i semacam . And yadda yadda yadda . Finish :) Byebye :D
Sunday, October 4, 2009
I will wait 4 you , until my breath is forever gone